題 名 | 線上學習環境之優勢、限制與因應=The Strength, Limitation and Improvement of On-line Learning |
作 者 | 曾琳雲; | 書刊名 | 高應科大人文社會科學學報 |
卷 期 | 1 2004.07[民93.07] |
頁 次 | 頁291-304 |
分類號 | 521.53 |
關鍵詞 | 線上學習; 終生學習; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 21 世紀起人類將邁入資訊與通訊化時代,在終生學習的過程中,若能充分應用新式媒體,將能掌握學習的契機並與世界脈動相結合。但是該如何突破線上學習的限制,讓更多人能從線上學習中,享受學習的樂趣,將成為目前線上學習應努力的方向。 本研究藉由文獻分析的方式,先就線上學習環境的概況加以探討,從而對目前線上學習環境的實施成效,包含其優勢及限制,分吸就物質、心理、社會等三種環境逐一剖析,發現到網路雖然是一個強大有力的學習工具,但運用在學習環境中,仍有其限制與不足之處,如人際互動的缺乏、問題即時回饋系統的不足等,該如何善用優勢並突破其限制,成為應積極思考的一個方向。 因此本文也提出可能改善之道,包括資訊的轉化、增加人際互動、操作介面的親和性、人性化的系統求助功能、安排伴學與督學者、互動的課程內 容、以及提升學習者的認同感等面向,以供線上學習環境的規劃者與教學者參考,尤其在科技發展一日千里的現今社會中,除了消極運用科技工具在日常生活中,更應積極朝精益求精的方向前進,在每一次線上學習的操作中陸續發掘問題,再運用更新的技術與科技來解決困境,誤線上學習環境能更加友善與人性化,使全民不論老少,都能在網路的學習環境中找節樂趣,獲得成長,建構完整的終生學習體系。 |
英文摘要 | The twenty first century is the time of technology and communication. If we can sufficiently use news media in the process of lifelong learning, we can learn and connect with the world trend more successfully. We shall break the limitation of on-line learning, so we can enjoy our learning. Firstly, this paper introduces generally the environment of on-line learning. Then the researcher analyzes the efficiency of on-line learning, including its strength and weakness in substantial, psychological and social aspects. We should know that the powerful internet has its limitations, such as the shortage of interpersonal interaction and the insufficiency of instant feedback system. It is necessary to consider how to develop the advantage and reduce the limitations. In this paper, the researcher tries to indicate to programmers and instructors issues, such as transforming the information, and increasing interpersonal interaction, friendly user interface, and interactive curriculum. It would be better and better through renewing technology and improving the environment of on-line learning in every operating. Everyone should enjoy their on-line learning and get self-fulfillment. |