- 拔牙後併發破傷風--病例報告
- 會陰癌合併牙關緊閉之個案報告
- An Experience in Treating Generalized Tetanus: A Case Report
- Effect of Local Massage on Vaccination: DTP and DTPa
- Immunogenicity and Safety of Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Conjugate Vaccine (HibTITER) and a Combination Vaccine of Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis and HibTITER (TETRAMUNE) in Two-Month-Old Infants
- Serological Survey of Immune Response to Tetanus Toxoid Using Antitoxin Enzyme Immunoassay
- Tatanus: 20 Years of Clinical Experience
- 老人與破傷風
- Tetanus of the Elderly
- 非細胞型百日咳、白喉、破傷風三合一疫苗之發展與接種