題 名 | 斡旋金契約之實務問題研究=A Legal Analysis of a Unilateral Promise with a Sum of Money between a Buyer and His Real Estate Broker--Taiwanese Case Studies |
作 者 | 曾品傑; | 書刊名 | 公平交易季刊 |
卷 期 | 12:1 2004.01[民93.01] |
頁 次 | 頁35-98 |
分類號 | 584.31 |
關鍵詞 | 公平交易法; 消費者保護法; 民法; 定型化契約; 審閱期間; 不動產; 仲介; 居間; 斡旋金; 要約書; 締約自由; 直接轉充定金; 雙方代理; 法國法; Negotiating money; Real estate; Real estate agent; Broker; Buyer; Brokerage; Offer paper; Standard clauses; Taiwan law; French civil law; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國仲介實務上斡旋金契約所引發之諸多爭議,向來是公平會和下級審法院關注的焦點。綜觀實務上關於斡旋金契約的規範疑義,舉其犖犖學大者,不外乎斡旋金契約之當事人、法律性質、其與「內政部版」要約書之區別及其替代關係、以「業者版」要約書取代「內政部版」要約書的爭議、定型化斡旋金契約的審閱期間、以及定型化斡旋金契約條款是否有違居間委託人之締約自由等問題。惟查國內文獻,對此似乎尚未有較為全面的整理和分析,誡屬缺憾。 本文為彌補上述研究之不足,並拓展我國討論斡旋金契約的比較法視野,因此除了整理最高行政法院、台北高等行政法院、公平會與審判實務關於斡旋金契約的判決和處分之外,也一併介紹日法兩國關於斡旋金美約的論述,以及德國居間法上的研究成果,期能對國內規制斡旋金契約的效力問題,有所啟發,以解決本土審判實務的爭議,促進我國法學的進步。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this article, which is divided into six parts, is to analyze five local issues related to the unilateral contract involving an amount of money in the buyer-broker relationship. Following the introduction, Part Ⅱ explores the meaning of this contract as well as the two parties involved. Part Ⅲ inquires into the legal nature of the contract. In addition to analyzing local judgments and decisions, it also looks into the discussion on this subject according to Japanese law and French law. Part Ⅳ explains that the real estate broker is under an obligation to give the buyer a chance to make a choice: the buyer can use the offer-paper or use the unilateral contract with an amount of money. In this way, he has the right to preview a standard-clause contract. Part Ⅴ examines several issues that arise from standard c1auses.According to §1589- 1 of the French Civil Code, a unilateral engagement involving an amount of money is invalid on the part of the buyer. This is similar to the local regulation in Taiwan, where, according to §12 of Taiwan’s Consumer Law, certain standard c1auseswithin this unilateral contract may violate the freedom to liberally conc1ude the contract. As a result, the contract should be conc1uded by means of one-on-one negotiations between a buyer and his broker. Part Ⅵ conc1udes by offering solutions to the five issues related to unilateral contracts that involve an amount of money in Taiwan. |