題 名 | 都市地區震災緊急路網評估方法之研究=On the Assessment of the Emergency Network for the Urban Earthquake Disaster |
作 者 | 陳亮全; 詹士樑; 洪鴻智; | 書刊名 | 都市與計劃 |
卷 期 | 31:1 2004.03[民93.03] |
頁 次 | 頁47-64 |
分類號 | 557.81 |
關鍵詞 | 都市地震災害; 避難救災路徑; 評估方法; Urban earthquake disaster; Emergency network; Assessment approach; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 震災發生後都市地區道路系統的功能發揮正常與否,直接影響避難與救災的成效,相對減低災害傷亡的可能。本文的主要目的,在收集與整理系統性的路網評估方法,建立具實務操作性的評估方法。在震災緊急路網系統的評估中,除了個別路段的有效性外,整體系統的有效性更是需要探討的重點。針對以上考量,本文將避難救災動線系統的評估,區分為兩個層次討論,首先是依據震災對路網影響因素的界定,進行個別路段的評估;其次是討論對整體動線系統評估的方法。在個別影響因素的界定上,對於避難救災動線的評估應考慮的因子,包括道路本身實質影響因子與活動影響因子兩類,個別因素提供路線評估一個基本參考資料,例如建物高度比、高架道路或捷運路線等易造成路段封閉,影響避難救災之功能等;路網系統的整體評估,則可透過連續性變動指標及最短路徑成本變動比來進行。 |
英文摘要 | The effectiveness of local network after earthquake has significant impact on the function of hazard mitigation. The main purpose of this paper is to articulate the method of network evaluation in the earthquake hazard and to provide with feasible evaluation method based on the data availability. Two levels of network evaluation are considered in the study, which includes the evaluation of the individual link and the network system. The evaluation of single link applies the factors of width of road, parking, debris, the activities beside the road and some indicators composed of them. For the network system evaluation, a connectivity index is introduced and modified to illustrate in the paper. |