- 臺灣東北角磯釣釣者願付價值之分析
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題 名 | 臺灣東北角磯釣釣者願付價值之分析=Valuing the Angler's WTP for the Surf/Rocks Fishing in the Northeastern Coast of Taiwan |
作 者 | 孫金華; 江福松; 施淵源; 劉振鄉; | 書刊名 | 農業經濟半年刊 |
卷 期 | 74 2003.12[民92.12] |
頁 次 | 頁63-88 |
分類號 | 992.2 |
關鍵詞 | 磯釣; 釣魚資格費用; 願付價值; Tobit模型; 東北角海岸; Surf/rock fishing; Fishing fee; Willing to pay; Tobit model; Northeastern coast of taiwan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文探討磯釣釣者進入東北角海岸國家風景區管理處劃定之垂釣區,為維護嗜藻性磯鈞魚類生物相,依野生動物保育法管理制度法源依據,應登記及回報捕獲種類及數量並繳納費用,因此本文以問卷調查方式調查訪問東北角海岸磯釣釣者對魚類資源的保育觀念,建立磯釣釣者願付價值Tobit實證模型。估計結果顯示釣魚經驗愈久、每次磯釣成本愈高及所得收入愈高,願付價值愈高;而釣者年齡增加、到東北角磯釣次數愈多、每次磯釣時間愈長,則願付價值愈低。以2001年時東北角磯釣總人數,本文依不同收取釣魚費用標準預估可收取磯釣執照費約為七百多萬元到二千多萬元,研究結果擬供東北角管理處及農委會及縣政府魚類資源保育主管機關,未來規劃釣者進入垂釣區之收費參考標準,並建議相關主管單位應用於未來教育推廣及資源保育之工作。 |
英文摘要 | The objective of this paper is to investigate the anglers' willing-to-pay(WTP)for the surf/rocks fishing in the Northeastern coast of Taiwan, which is under the authority of Northeast Coast National Scenic Area Administration(NCNSAA). For conservation the herivorous fish, the Wildlife Conservation Law regulates the parties who wish to harvest fish within the area shall register, report, and provide the record about the number of species caught. They shall also pay for a certain fishing fee. The anglers' survey is conducted in this research in order to establish a Tobit model to estimate angler's WTP. Results show that angler's WTP for fishing fee per day is positively related to the individual's years of experience of fishing, cost spent during each fishing trip, and personal income, but negatively related to angler's age, fishing frequency in a year, the time duration of each fishing trip. The results will provide NCNSAA, local government, and the Council of Agriculture certan basis for regulating the fishing fee in the Northeastern Coast of Taiwan in the near future. According to the total number of anglers in 2001, the total fishing fee is estimated to be between 7 to 20 million NT dollars depending on the level of fishing fee. The revenue from the fishing fee will provide the fund for the authority to conserve the surf/rock fish resource. |