題 名 | 司法院定位問題考--由戰後日本憲法裁判之經驗,反思我國違憲審查制的發展方向=On the System of Judicial Review Concerning with the Judicial Yuan in Taiwan--Focus on the Consideration through the Experiences of the Constitutional Judgments in Japan to Consider the Future Course Relating to the System of Judicial Review in Taiwan |
作 者 | 李仁淼; | 書刊名 | 國立中正大學法學集刊 |
卷 期 | 13 2003.10[民92.10] |
頁 次 | 頁1-95 |
分類號 | 581.24 |
關鍵詞 | 違憲審查; 司法改革; 司法院定位; 日本; 憲法訴訟; Judicial review; Judicial yuan; Judicial reform; Taiwan; Japan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 違憲審查制,起源於美國聯邦最高法院在1803年對Marbury v. Madison訴訟案判決中所確立。我國過去 亦曾對於違憲審查應採美國制=附隨審查制,或是德國制=憲法法院審查制的學說土之論爭。依我國憲法,司法院應掌理訴訟案件之審判及憲法解釋,然而,在現行制度下,我國司法院卻僅掌理憲法解釋及司法行政。1999年7月,「我國司法改革會議」之結論,對於司法 院的定位設定,近程目標為「一元多軌」遠程目標為「一元單軌」對我國現行制度產生衝擊。若依此結論,進行改革,未來我國違憲審查的遠程目標勢必朝美國型違憲審查制發展。另方面,比較法上,日本於二次大戰之後,以引進美國型違憲審查制,然而在其五十餘年實施經驗中,發生許多問題,近年甚至有許多日本學者主張日本引進憲法法院型違憲審查制。因此,日本違憲審查制度的實施經驗,亦可當我國思考司法院定位問題,以及違憲審查的制度設計之參考。 本稿將以筆者近年,對我國違憲審查制所作之檢討相關論文中所尚未解決的問題為基礎,以和日本的違憲審查制比較之觀點,重新檢討我國的司法院定位問題。首先,概觀日本之違憲審查制,其次分析日本違憲審查制之特質與問題點,並考察我國司法院定位問題之相關學說,以及司法實務解釋,進行分析、檢討之後,嚐試對我國司法院之定位,乃至違憲審查發展之方向,提出個人若干之觀點。 |
英文摘要 | The System of Judicial Review originated from the case Marbury v. Madison, judged by the American Federal Supreme Court in 1803. There were some arguments relating to the System of Taiwanese Judicial Review should be the European System or American System in recent years. According to the Taiwanese Constitution, the Judicial Yuan should own the competence of the Jurisdiction to the law suits and the Judicial Review. However' the Taiwanese Judicial Yuan just owns the Constitutional Interpretation Power and the Judicial Administration Power in practice. Due to the problem above mentioned, there was a Conference, which discussed the issues concerning with the Judicial Reform include the issue of the System of Judicial Yuan's Judicial Review, was held in July 1999. According to the Conclusion adopted in the Conference, the long- term goal of the Judicial Yuan's reform is to let the System of Judicial Yuan's Judicial Review turn from the European System to the American System gradually. So Author think that the experiences of Japanese Judicial Review and it's practical issues will can be the reference for Taiwan. In the thesis, Author will consider the System of Judicial Yuan's Judicial Review in Taiwan form the viewpoint of Comparative Law to compare with the System of Judicial Review between Taiwan to Japan. |