題 名 | 從心物二元哲學觀點解讀愛因斯坦相對論物理--兼談愛因斯坦對於心物二元的哲學貢獻=Understanding Einstein's Relativity Physics from the Viewpoint of Mind-Matter Dualism: Stating also about Einstein's Contribution to Mind-Matter Dualism Philosophy |
作 者 | 王守益; 王淑琴; | 書刊名 | 佛學與科學 |
卷 期 | 4:2 2003.07[民92.07] |
頁 次 | 頁73-83 |
分類號 | 331.2 |
關鍵詞 | 心物二元; 物自體; 本體論; 唯心論; 牛頓; 愛因斯坦; 相對論; 宇宙論; Mind-matter dualism; Noumenon; Ontology; Spiritualism; Newton; Einstein; Relativity; Cosmology; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 舉世聞名的愛因斯坦相對論物理必然有其哲學背景. 本文從心物二元哲學觀點來作些解讀. 我們先陳述實相的四個層次,大略地的把現象論分成宏觀與微觀兩大類,同樣也大略地把本體論分成理念與本體兩大層次. 本文的主內容是對應於心物二元的宏觀層次. 為比較與討論需要,我們把心物二元哲學觀點來看牛頓的物理架構. 牛頓三大運動定律可從操作行定義來作解讀,特別是第二定律f=ma的操作定義. 從這裡可以看出,這操作型定義已把心物二元的[物]切了出來,這也就是科學的誕生. 當然我們要說明牛頓的物理科學並不是唯物論. 相對地,愛因斯坦的相對論物理則是以[光速為常數]作為基本假設. 這是一種[以觀測者個人為宇宙中心]的描述,這也是佛家哲學的[唯心所現]. 更明顯的是,愛因斯坦提出第四度的虛數空間x4=ict,而虛數i是不能在實數世界裡操作的. 這第四度空間 x4 或虛數 i 因已超出[物]的範疇,故在相對論裡可被看成是 [心] 的某種暗示性指標. 基於此,我們可以說牛頓把原本是心物二元的[物]切了出來,而愛因斯坦又把切了開來心物二元哲學縫了回去. 這縫合回去的效益是,在物理上每當牛頓物理與相對論物理有所差別之時,都是相對論物理取得優勢. 在哲學上,尤其是在哲學上的宇宙論上,牛頓的重力方程式也被愛因斯坦的引力場方程式所取代. 這充分顯示:在宏觀層次實相裡,心物二元才真正是大自然所做的選擇. |
英文摘要 | The world famous Einstein's relativity physics has interesting and significant background of philosophy. Here we try to visualize the relativity physics from the viewpoint of the mind-matter dualism. We first state all kinds of reality in the scheme of 4 levels, which, simply speaking,consists of macroscopic and microscopic levels of reality for phenomenal world,and conceptual and noumenal levels for the ontalogy.To facilitate our discussion we need to visualize Newtonian physics also from the view-point of mind-matter dualism. The Newtonian three laws of motion can be visualized from the viewpoint of operational definition of physical entities, starting with the 2nd law ofmotion,f=ma. It can be seen that practice of this operational definition had already cut off the matter part out of the mind-matter dualism and had also resulted in the birth of Natural science. However,we must emphasize that certainly physical science is not materialism.On the contrary,Einstein's relativity physics has "Velocity of light c being a constant" as its fundamental hypothesis. This hypothesis can be seen as a description of the universe with its origin centered at each individual observer. This is the concept in Buddhism that all phenomena of the universe are emergence of the individual observer's mind. The most important statement of Einstein is the 4th dimension x= ict,where i=(-1) 1/2 is imaginary and is not measurable or operational in real number world. Since x4 is beyond the domain of matter,it should denote some implicit index of the mind because of the existing mind-matter dualism. Consequently,we may claim that,whereas Newton cut off the matter part from the mind-matter dualism,Einstein sewed on and recovered the dualism. Benefits of the sewing on are at least twofold:on physics and on philosophy. For physics part,wherever Newtonian physics and relativity physics are different the latter is always better than the former with no exception up to present. For philosophy part,on the cosmology,for example,the Newtonian gravitational equation has been well replaced by Einstein's cosmological field equation. This seems to strongly demonstrate:What the Nature chooses is the mind-matter dualism in the macroscopiclevel of reality. |