題 名 | 圖書館數位化館藏組織整理與OPAC的新角色=Organization of Digital Resources and the New Role of Library OPAC |
作 者 | 詹麗萍; | 書刊名 | 國家圖書館館刊 |
卷 期 | 92:1 2003.04[民92.04] |
頁 次 | 頁95-109 |
分類號 | 019.4 |
關鍵詞 | 數位資源; 數位館藏; 電子資源; 電子館藏; 資訊組織; 分類編目; 線上目錄; Digital resources; Digital collections; Electronic resources; Electronic collections; Organizing electronic collections; Cataloging; Online catalogs; OPAC; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 圖書館目錄傳統上是圖書館館藏的清單,涵蓋圖書館實際上所擁有及可控制的館藏,數位化資源的興起挑戰圖書館目錄的定義,促使圖書館重新思考OPAC的角色。本文首先探討數位化資源對圖書館傳統編目工作的影響,其本質及變幻無常的特性加重編目工作的負擔,而現有的編目工具亦有所侷限。圖書館對於數位資源得組織方式,包括在網頁上提供清單位做好網址連結,以及將數位資源分位結合了數位資源及OPAC書目記錄,提供讀者完整的書目資訊及利用管道。圖書館提供讀者取用資訊的方法受廠商授權合約及認證的限制,資源網址的變動亦影響資訊的取用。常見的網址正礎性維護方法包括以特定的軟體自動追蹤URL的變動以及在856欄位記錄PURL。數位資源編目的困難還包括MARC和AACR都是過時的標準,無法適應現代的需要,為了增進數位資源的使用效能,許多機構或個人開始對資源描述工具進行研究,設計出各種Metadata。圖書館OPAC做為資訊查尋及利用的工具,正逐漸失去原有的優勢,本文探討其未來可能發展的方向,包括:在原有的基礎上建立一個更完善的圖書館目錄系統、建立兩個平行的圖書館目錄系統、使圖書館目錄成為資訊閘道、入口網站或聯合目錄、使圖書館目錄成為知識取用系統。 |
英文摘要 | The library catalog has traditionally been an inventory of a library's collection, all of which was owned and physically controlled by the library. The advent of digital resources accessed over the Internet challenges this definition, and forces librarians to rethink the role of OPAC. This article first discusses how traditional library cataloging has been affected by digital resources, and then examines the limitations of traditional cataloging tools, including MARC bibliographic standards and AACR2. access to the digital resources is generally provided through library web pages or OPACs, and the single-record or separate-records approach has been evaluated. The creation of MARC 856 field bridges the gap between resources on the Internet and bibliographic records in library OPACs, and PURL has been used as a means for URL maintenance. While traditional cataloging tools are becoming obsolescent, libraries are beginning to use metadata to facilitate more sophisticated and comprehensive searches of information. Possible methods for building future library OPAC include: (1)one catalog fits all; (2)a parallel system; (3)a gateway, portal, or union catalog; and (4)transforming catalogs into knowledge access systems. |