題 名 | 利用葉綠素測計估測水稻植株葉綠素及氮素=Using Chlorophyll Meter to Estimate Leaf Chlorophyll and Nitrogen Content of Rice Plants |
作 者 | 楊純明; | 書刊名 | 中華農業研究 |
卷 期 | 52:1 2003.03[民92.03] |
頁 次 | 頁73-83 |
分類號 | 434.113 |
關鍵詞 | 水稻; 葉綠素測計; 葉綠素總量; 氮素含量; 氮肥管理; Rice; Chlorophyll meter; Total chlorophyll; Nitrogen content; Nitrogen fertilizer management; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文研究在行政院農委會農業試驗所農場(臺中縣霧峰鄉)進行,調查2000年二期稻作至2002年一期稻作(二年四期作)之水稻生育期間稻株葉片葉綠素總量與氮素含量及葉綠素測計讀值,分析葉綠素與氮素含量關係,再釐清是否可以利用葉綠素測計讀值估測葉綠素及氮素之變化,並比較期作間差異。根據試驗結果,發現葉片之葉綠素總量、氮素含量或葉綠素測計讀值均隨著稻株生育進展而呈現下降趨勢,此一表現不受本試驗不同等級氮肥施用量之影響。續將稻株葉片之氮素含量與葉綠素總量進行相關分析,發現一、二期稻作皆可以直線正相關表示兩變數的關係,且由於兩期稻作資料經虛擬變數檢定為不顯著,乃進一步將兩期作資料合併分析,兩變數之間仍為顯著直線正相關(R²=0.615, P<0.0001)。又試驗分析亦顯示,稻株葉片之葉綠素總量與葉綠素測計讀值之關係十分密切,可適用於直線相關,一、二期稻作之決定係數(R²)分別為0.758及0.862(圖3)。兩期作資料經虛擬變數檢定為不顯著,其合併分析亦顯示兩變數間為顯著直線正相關(R²=0.784, P<0.0001)。基於前述二項分析,乃將葉片氮素含量與葉綠素測計讀值進行相關分析,發現兩者在統計上無論期作均為顯著直線正相關,一、二期稻作之決定係數分別為0.574及0.439,並且可以合併分析產生兩期稻作共用之迴歸方程式(R²=0.411, P<0.0001)。綜合試驗結果,在本研究採用之水稻品種臺農67號,建議可以利用葉綠素測計讀值推估稻株葉片之葉綠素與氮素含量,此一功能在氮肥管理上具有應用意義。 |
英文摘要 | Field experiments were conducted at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute Experimental Farm, Wufeng to investigate changes of leaf total chlorophyll and nitrogen content as well as values of chlorophyll meter for rice plants (Oryza sativa L. cv. TNG 67) grown from the 2nd crop of 2000 to the 1st crop of 2002. The relationships between chlorophyll and nitrogen were analyzed, the responses of chlorophyll meter value to their variations were also studied, and the comparison between the first and the second crops were made. Results showed that leaf total chlorophyll and nitrogen content were decreased after transplanting in both cropping seasons, and values of chlorophyll meter followed the trend with these two components. The patterns were similar among different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer treatments. Relationship between leaf total chlorophyll and nitrogen was significant linearly. As no significant difference was found between data of two crops with dummy variable test, data were pooled and were shown to also have a linear correlation (R²=0.615, P<0.0001). The values of chlorophyll meter and leaf total chlorophyll were linearly correlated with the determination coefficients (R²) of 0.758 and 0.862 for the first and the second crops, respectively. Again, data from different crops can be pooled and showed a linear relationship between leaf total chlorophyll and chlorophyll meter readings (R²=0.784, P<0.0001). With the above results, leaf nitrogen content and chlorophyll meter readings were analyzed to indicate a significant linear relationship in both cropping seasons. The pooled data from two crops were fitted to a linear regression model (R²=0.411, P<0.0001). Results suggest that leaf chlorophyll and nitrogen content can be estimated by chlorophyll meter in rice cultivar TNG 67. |