題 名 | 金融全球化與臺灣金融體制的轉型--談外資與國家角色的一些問題與思考=Financial Globalization and the Transformation of Taiwan Financial Regime: Discussion of the Relation between Foreign Capital and State |
作 者 | 魏少君; | 書刊名 | 思與言 |
卷 期 | 41:1 2003.03[民92.03] |
頁 次 | 頁119-151 |
專 輯 | 全球化與臺灣社會專輯 |
分類號 | 562.192 |
關鍵詞 | 金融全球化; 金融體制; 金融資本; 去管制; 英美模式; 制度轉型; 外國專業投資機構; 資本市場; 外資; 臺灣; Financial globalization; Financial regime; Financial capital; Deregulation; Anglo-Saxons model; Institutional transformation; QFII; Capital market; Foreign capital; Taiwan; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在當今金融全球化過程中,隨著金融活動強度的增加、跨國組織與企業的發展以及所謂國際信評標準的論述建構,使得東亞各國的金融市場制度在某種程度上逐漸出現朝向以英美模式為主導的金融體制接近的趨勢。在「金融全球化」、「自由化」、「去管制」等全球化修辭下,臺灣從1990年代開始也逐漸在金融體制上面臨轉型,而在臺灣嘗試透過對資本市場的開放以進行「全球接軌」的過程中,對「外資」的開放是最主要的策略之一,經由對外資的引進一方面增加國內股票市場的資金動能與活絡,另一方面某種程度達成加入WTO的承諾開放標準。為了回應全球化理論對於金融資本流動以及國家角色的討論,本文試圖對臺灣開放外資進入股市過程進行歷史分析,藉此對臺灣的「全球在地化」(golcalization)脈絡提出反思。我們認為,國家角色在金融全球化的脈絡下並非全然退位給市場機制,而是在「去管制」過程中重新去建構「再管制」機制,國家雖然不再「計畫管制」一切經濟活動,但也不意味著市場邏輯能夠取代長期以來東亞國家的發展模式。 |
英文摘要 | In the process of financial globalization, the Anglo-Saxons model or named Market-led financial institution was gradually spread out to the NICs. In the "neo-liberalism globalization" discourse, state should withdraw from the market and let capital flowing in and out national boundaries unrestricted. In other words, the role of state is changing and the governance capability is declined. In 1990s, Taiwan was beginning to shift the financial regime and deregulate the prohibition of banking system and capital market. In order to connect with globalization, Taiwan government opens up the regulation of foreign capital investment stage by stage. To some extend, it seems that Taiwan's financial institution is close to the dominant Anglo-Saxons model and state should be replace by the market. In this paper, we propose that Taiwan's government was still strong although the financial deregulation proceeding. We will analyze the legislation process of QFII and the statement of official and foreign capital on newspapers and magazines. By the empirical data, we hope to make some theoretical reflexive thinking about the relation between foreign and state, and provide the aspects of globalization study in Taiwan. |