題 名 | 臺灣民主化分析--Rustow與Huntington模式的檢驗=The Analysis of Taiwan's Democratization: Rustow's and Huntington's Models Applied |
作 者 | 李酉潭; 張孝評; | 書刊名 | 中山人文社會科學期刊 |
卷 期 | 10:2=23 2002.12[民91.12] |
頁 次 | 頁45-87 |
分類號 | 573.09 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣; 民主化; 民主轉型; 民主鞏固; Taiwan; Democratization; Democratic transition; Democratic consolidation; Dankwart A. Rustow; Samuel P. Huntington; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 當代世界面臨最深遠、也最鼓舞人心的影響之一便是民主化浪潮;探究民主化問題亦是政治學中的一個熱門研究領域。然而民主化研究尚需要利用多樣化理論基礎與經驗方法的協助。學者Dankwart A. Rustow指出:民主轉型的路徑具有條件性與階段性,每個階段各有其關鍵因素;焦點側重動態的民主轉型模式,而非靜態的相關分析。另外,Samuel P. Huntiongton表示:此時此刻,強調的重點必須放在鞏固上面;探討的主題不該是如何讓更多的國家捲入這波民主化的浪潮,而應該是如何持久或鞏固晚近的新進民主國家。前者對於 民主轉型有精闢理論之建構;後者對於民主化有全面廣泛之闡述。 二十世紀末最後十年乃是台灣蛻變成長的時代,從國會全面改選到總統直接民選,不但奠定民主政治的形式,更發動了民主轉型肇始的列車。二十一世紀來臨的前夕,臺灣首次完成政黨輪替的政權和平移轉,不但樹立民主轉型的典範,更締造了民主政權變遷的新頁。為了保證台灣民主化成果能順利地運作生存,尚須徹底通過「雙翻轉測驗」(two-turnover test)的試鍊,並推展更重要的民主鞏固與深化,以期待開創出更高品質與先進的民主內涵。 故本文旨在以台灣民主化個案經驗為基礎,透過Rustow與Huntiongton民主化模式的適用、檢視與反思,做一個深度的分析與探討,以期對於台灣民主鞏固相關的研究和未來發展能有所助益。 |
英文摘要 | One of the most far-reaching and inspiring influences in today's world is the wave of democratization. Exploring democratization and solving the problems ofthe resulting from it are also popular issues in academia. Consistent with this, there are numerous theories and experimental methds that can be used to analyze democratization. One of these, developed by scholar Dankwart A. Rustow, observes that democratic transition has its own conditions and phases and that key factors in each phase often vary. Beyond this, a model developed by America's most eminemt political scientist, Samuel P. Huntington, argues that we should highlight the ways to consolidate democratization, rather than simply devoting sole attention to increasing the number of nations which are undergoing the process of democratization. The last 10 years of the 20th century have been an age of growth and transformation in Taiwanses politics. Regular parliamentary elections and the direct election of the president have each been accomplished, thereby laying the basis of democratic politics, which also initiating a series of important democratic transitions. At the beginning of the 21[] century, therefore, Taiwan's accomplishment of the first peaceful ruling power rotation has not only given momentum to the process of democratic transition but also heralds a new era in Taiwanese political power. Now, provided that Taiwan can pass the two-turnover test thoroughly, while also developing and deepening its democratic consolidation, the results achieved by Taiwan's democratic transition will be ensured. Against that backdrop, the purpose of this article is to analyze and explore Taiwan's democratization via Rustow's and Huntington's model in the hope of making contributions to the further relevant studies of Taiwan's democratic consolidation. |