- Wang Gungwu, Joining the Modern World--Inside and Outside China
- 華人社會文化現代化的幾點省思--以公德問題為主
- The Modernization of Four Chinese Societies: China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore
- 關於華人社會文化現代化的幾點省思--以公德問題為主
- 通識教育與中國人文精神
- A Case Study Using Multiple Criteria Decision Model for Cost and Investment Analysis
- 「風險社會」中結構與行動的轉轍
- Disparity and Continuum between Ancient Classics and Contemporary Culture: A Historicist Review
- 潮流趨勢與中國統一
- The Haunting Fetus: Greed, Healing, and Religious Adaptation in Modern Taiwan