- The Haunting Fetus: Greed, Healing, and Religious Adaptation in Modern Taiwan
- The Effect of Personal Religiosity on Attitudes toward Abortion, Divorce, and Gender Equality--Does Cultural Context Make a Difference?
- 戰後以來臺灣民間宗教研究視域及其問題
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題 名 | The Haunting Fetus: Greed, Healing, and Religious Adaptation in Modern Taiwan=作祟的嬰靈:現代臺灣的貪慾,療癒與宗教適應 |
作 者 | 林楓; | 書刊名 | 中央研究院民族學研究所集刊 |
卷 期 | 86 1998.秋[民87.秋] |
頁 次 | 頁157-196 |
分類號 | 534.33 |
關鍵詞 | 墮胎; 小鬼; 嬰靈; 性別; 現代化; 宗教; 臺灣; Abortion; Fetus-demons; Fetus-ghosts; Gender; Modernization; Religion; Taiwan; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在討論臺灣民間對於死於墮胎的胎兒會回去糾纏其家人的 「嬰靈」信仰。 雖然這個主題陸續已有在日本進行的調查和臺灣方面的評論作品發表,但卻仍未 見針對臺灣所作的系統性研究以中文或英文發表。以下筆者首先將就墮胎及此一 新的宗教信仰提供簡要的概述,並檢視臺灣出版品中關於此一行為的分析評論。 其 次,我將區別六種不同的嬰靈類型並分別加以說明。最後,探討三則兼作反墮胎 宣傳品和寺廟廣告贈書用的含有嬰靈道德觀寓意的文章。 批判祭拜嬰靈行為的人認為嬰靈的形象是被塑造來操控女人的,使她們感到 恐懼或者罪惡,從而願意支付離譜的費用來安撫嬰靈。我同意祭拜嬰靈是一件花 費龐大的舉措,但它的確為墮了胎的女人提供了重要的心理上的慰藉,她們亟需 一種穩當的替代品,好將個人及整個家庭所感受到的道德上的罪孽投射於其上。 如此,安息的嬰靈使得家庭裡潛藏的緊張得到公開的化解。如同中國宗教中處理 與神鬼關係的方式,這一現象也展現出或可稱作「罪的商品化」的處理模式:人 可以透過經濟管道彌補自己曾做錯的事──其實就是付錢來彌補自己意識到的違 反道德的行為。正因安撫嬰靈矛盾地蘊含著剝削與援助、又涉及宗教與性別範疇, 而使得此一議題顯得更形複雜。 @@@ |
英文摘要 | This article focuses on the belief in Taiwan that an aborted fetus can come back to haunt its family. Although this has been researched in Japan and commented on in the Taiwanese press, the subject has not been systematically studied in relation to Taiwan in either English or Chinese. In the following pages I provide a brief overview of abortion and this new religious belief. I then go on to examine criticisms of the practice that have appeared in the Taiwanese press. This is followed by an outline of what I see to be six distinct categories of fetus-ghosts, after which I examine three fetus-ghost morality texts that are used both as anti-abortion propaganda and as advertisements for the temples associated with the tracts. Critics of fetus-ghost appeasement argue that images of fetus-ghosts are used to manipulate women, either through fear or guilt, into paying exorbitant sums of money for the appeasement process. I agree that fetus-ghost appeasement can be expensive. But I argue that it also provides important psychological comfort to women who have had abortions as well as a much needed means to project personal and familial feelings of transgression onto a safely displaced object. In this way those appeasing fetus-ghosts can bring underlying tensions within their families to the surface and can provide a means of working out those problems. Like other dealings with ghosts and gods in Chinese religions, this phenomenon evinces what might be called a commodification of sin in which one can atone for one's wrongdoings through economic avenues-- essentially paying a fee to make up for one's perceived immoral behavior. The paradox in which fetus-ghost appeasement simultaneously exploits and assists, evinces the true complexity of the issue, and of religious and gender studies as a whole. |