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題 名 | 關係價值、關係品質與忠誠度之探討--零售銀行業的實證研究=An Empirical Study on Relationship Value, Relationship Quality and Loyalty for the Retailing Bank Industry |
作 者 | 方世榮; | 書刊名 | 管理學報 |
卷 期 | 19:6 2002.12[民91.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1097-1130 |
分類號 | 496.7 |
關鍵詞 | 關係行銷; 關係價值; 關係品質; 忠誠度; Relationship marketing; Relationship value; Relationship quality; Loyalty; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 關係行銷是目前許多服務業者可用來突破困境的一種策略性活動。本研究嘗試在關係行銷的領域中,探討關係價值、關係品質與顧客忠誠度彼此之間的關係。過去文獻絕少結合關係價值與關係品質兩者之間的關聯性加以探討,然而此兩者皆是服務業者用來與顧客建立、發展與維持關係的重要構面。因此,本研究著重於關係價值與關係品質之關聯性的探討。 本研究特別將關係品質區分為公司關係品質與人員關係品質,前者乃指顧客在接收到公司所提供的關係價值而產生顧客對公司之信賴度與滿意度;而後者則由於顧客在接受服務時與服務人員互動過程中,產生對服務人員的信賴度與滿意度。此外,由於顧客對公司認知的態度可能會轉移至顧客對服務人員的認知態度,或者反之亦然。因此,公司關係品質與人員關係品質二者相互間的關聯性如何,亦是本研究的探討重點。 最後,服務業者最關切的是如何透過關係行銷的活動來培養顧客的關係,進而塑造極高的顧客忠誠度。因此,本研究亦將探討關係品質(包括公司關係品質與人員關係品質)對忠誠度的影響。 |
英文摘要 | Relationship marketing is an important strategic weapon for many service industries. This study is to explore the key components of relationship marketing theory, including relationship value and relationship quality. These components have more impact on developing, establishing and maintaining the relationship between firm and into customers. Thus, this study especially emphasizes on the linkage between relationship value and relationship quality. Next, the study distinguish corporation relationship quality and employee relationship quality. Corporation relationship quality is generated, when customer get the relationship value from firm, and the customer will trust in and be satisfied with the firm. Employee relationship quality means that, while customer interact with service provider, the customer will perceive the degree of trust and satisfaction. Furthermore, the attraction is perceived on corporation by the customer, and then shifts to the attraction is perceived on service employee, and the reverse is true. Thus, the linkage between corporation relationship quality and employee relationship quality is also the purpose of this study. Finally, service firms most concern that, how to cultivate the relationship with their customers through relationship marketings activities, and hope to establish customer’s loyalty. Thus this study also explore the impact of relationship quality on the customer’s loyalty. |