- The Prosodic Effects on Taiwan Min Tones
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題 名 | The Prosodic Effects on Taiwan Min Tones=韻律結構對臺閩語聲調的影響 |
作 者 | 王旭; | 書刊名 | 語言暨語言學 |
卷 期 | 3:4 2002.10[民91.10] |
頁 次 | 頁839-852 |
分類號 | 802.5231 |
關鍵詞 | 臺閩語; 韻律效應; 聲調; 順向共同發音; 逆向共同發音; Taiwan Min; Prosodic effect; Tone; Perseverative coarticulation; Anticipatory coarticulation; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討臺閩語中韻律結構如何影響聲調的調值。本研究包括兩個實驗。第一個實驗為產生實驗,受試者唸出「阿發ABC 做等路」的臺閩語句子,其中A 音節有低調及高調;B 音節有代表四個變調;C 音節也有兩個低調及高調。我們觀察這些音節的基頻(F0),發現順向共同發音的效應較逆向共同發音為強。實驗二為一聽覺實驗。實驗刺激項為將實驗一的ABC 三個音節分別切下,與其他兩個音節做不同的組合,讓受試者聽第二個音節(B) 是哪個字。實驗結果約有三分之一的音節聽錯。造成聽錯的主要原因是第一個音節(A) 的因素。也就是說,順向共同發音造成的聽覺錯誤佔最大原因,與實驗一的結果相同。 |
英文摘要 | Two experiments were performed to observe the effects of prosody on tones in Taiwan Min. Experiment 1 was a production test in which the subjects were asked to pronounce a series of sentences in the form of 阿發ABC 做等路, in which three syllable phrases (ABC) were filled in. The first test syllable (A) was either 賣or 買, the sandhi tones of which are [be21] and [be55] respectively. The second syllable (B) was [!"] in four sandhi tones ([55], [33], [21], [51]). The third syllable (C) was either 禮or 螺, the base tones of which are [le51] and [le24]. F0 measurements were taken and we found that the perseverative coarticulation effect was significantly stronger than the anticipatory coarticulation effect. In Experiment 2, the stimuli produced by one of the subjects in Experiment 1 were used. The three syllables (ABC) produced in Experiment 1 were excised and pasted and submitted to the subjects for perceptual judgments. It was found that about one-third of the items were misjudged except in the case where the target syllable was the [21] tone. The cause of the misperception was found to be the replacement of the first syllable. |