- A New Ischnopsyllus Westwood (Siphonaptera: Ischnopsyllidae) from Taiwan
- Encoding of Acoustic Stimulus Intensity by Inferior Collicular Neurons of the Big Brown Bat, Eptesicus Fuscus
- 「大和解?」回應之一
- Timing and Variation in the Emergence and Return of Mexican Free-tailed Bats, Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana
- 蝙蝠的特異功能
- 臺灣蝙蝠研究歷史的回顧與現況
- 臺灣蝙蝠的現況與種類介紹
- The Relationship between Spermatozoa and Epithelium of the Female Genital Tract during Sperm Storage in the Greater Yellow Bats (Scotophilus Heathi): The Light and Electronmicroscopic Observations
- 神秘的暗夜精靈--蝙蝠
- 大蝙蝠是一種飛行的靈長類﹖