- Timing and Variation in the Emergence and Return of Mexican Free-tailed Bats, Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana
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題 名 | Timing and Variation in the Emergence and Return of Mexican Free-tailed Bats, Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana=墨西哥游離尾蝠(Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana)出入洞之時間與組成變異 |
作 者 | 李亞夫; | 書刊名 | 動物研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 40:4 2001.10[民90.10] |
頁 次 | 頁309-316 |
分類號 | 389.4 |
關鍵詞 | 活動模式; 蝙蝠; 墨西哥游離尾蝠; Activity patterns; Bats; Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以觀察及博捉取樣的方式,記述穴居性墨西哥游離尾蝠傍晚出洞及清晨入洞之時間與相對組的成的變異,希望瞭解群個體組成的變化(例如性別,母蝠生殖狀況、幼蝠開始覓食)對蝠群出入洞時間的影響。墨西哥游離尾蝠傍晚出洞的起始及清晨入洞的終止時間,分別與日落時間,顯著提前;而其清晨入洞的終止時間,相對於日出時,亦顯著延後。捕捉取樣的結果顯示,在春未至夏末的不同時期,該蝠出入洞時,蝠群內個體組成之相對比例在時間上呈非隨機性分布。較高比例之懷孕及泌乳母蝠出現在出洞初期與清晨入洞的末期;公蝠及無生殖狀況或已終止泌乳之母蝠則呈現相竑趨勢;而不論出洞或入洞,較高比例之幼蝠均出現在初期。從蝙蝠個體能量需求、幼蝠的成長與行為發展要及蝠群受掠食壓力等角度探討,此結果支持我們的預期。 |
英文摘要 | We investigated the timing and variation in evening emergence and dawn return of a maternity colony of Mexican free-tailed bats, Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana, in the summers of 1996 and 1997. In both summers, the onset of evening emergences and the end of dawn returns correlated with sunset and sunrise, respectively. Bats tended to emerge earlier in relation to sunset during late summer than in spring to early summer. Dawn returns ended progressively later in relation to sunrise through the season. Bats emerged much earlier and ended dawn returns later in 1996 than in 1997, coincident with a severe drought in spring to midsummer 1996. Bat captures during different seasons at the cave entrance indicate that patterns of emergence and return were non-random with regard to age, sex, and reproductive classes of bats. Higher proportions of juveniles tended to emerge earlier in the evening and to return earlier at dawn. Non-reproductive and post-lactating females and males exhibited an opposite pattern. Higher proportions of juveniles tended to emerge earlier in the evening and to return earlier at dawn. |