題 名 | 冷戰時期日本之防衛與安全保障政策--一九四五至一九九0=Japan's Defense and Security Policies in the Cold War Era: 1945-1990 |
作 者 | 楊永明; | 書刊名 | 問題與研究 |
卷 期 | 41:5 民91.09-10 |
頁 次 | 頁13-40 |
分類號 | 599.931 |
關鍵詞 | 日本安全政策; 美日安保; 自衛隊; 東亞安全; Japanese security policy; Japan-U.S. security alliance; Self-defense force; East Asia security; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文目的在以日本為核心,檢視戰後安全保障與與防衛政策的形成與變化,文章包括三大部分:分別討論日本戰後安全保障政策之形成與變遷、美日安保體系的發展與內容,以及冷戰時期日本防衛政策與軍備發展。文章的三項主要論點:首先,指出日本戰後安全政策的演變與日本所處的國際與區域環境變化相呼應。第二,本文認為經過冷戰的洗禮,美日安保體系確認成為日本安全政策的主軸。第三,冷戰時期日本軍事防衛政策是以專守防衛為核心,只不過隨著日本經濟發展,自衛隊傳統軍事武力卻已成為主要傳統武力國家。這三項特徵建構日本在冷戰時期的安全與防衛政策主軸,並且也影響著日本在冷戰結束之後的東亞與國際安全政策的走向。 |
英文摘要 | The paper examines the developments of Japan's security and defense policies during the Cold War period. Three major arguments are proposed. First: the changes and developments of post-war security policies were mainly the adjustment to , and reflection of , the international and regional security environments affecting Japan's peace and security. Second, the Japan-U.S. security alliance was the core of post-war Japan's security policy, and it also served as a major mechanism of U.S. East Asia security strategy. Third the defense policy and military buildup of Japan during this period was centered around its self-defense policy. These three factors were the major developments of Japan's security and defense policies during the Cold War period. |