題 名 | 學校行政行動智慧的意涵與教學省思 |
作 者 | 林志成; | 書刊名 | 初等教育學報 |
卷 期 | 8 2002.07[民91.07] |
頁 次 | 頁67-99 |
分類號 | 527 |
關鍵詞 | 行動科學; 行動知識; 行動研究; 實踐智慧; 行動智慧; Action science; Actionable knowledge; Action research; Practical wisdom; Wisdom for action; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探究學校行政行動智慧的意涵,並進行教學實踐省思。行動智慧係指視情境脈絡狀況,能善用行動知識與多元智能,以作出統觀整全而睿智圓熟的判斷與決定,並有效解決問題,俾使行動達到符合真善美聖的目的之智慧。學校行政行動智慧是學校行政人員「知?行?思」的圓融體證,它包括學校行政行動知識、符合教育三規準的各項學校行政作為與統觀全局、睿智判斷的圓融智慧。 為培養學校行政人員行動智慧,行政人員培育典範宜兼重技術派典、人文派典與批判派典,行政相關課程設計應以培養具備批判省思能力、全完全專業權能、富行動熱忱與具行動智慧者為教育目標,透過學校文化氣氛與各種課程的薰陶,使學習者經由批判省思的學習與實踐,逐步自我覺知與自我解放,進而突破外在的主權宰制,超越其內在的誤解迷思與無知缺失,而能覺今是而昨非,漸窺自我實現殿堂之美。學習者若有機會體會行動智慧的奧妙,親嚐行動智慧的美味果實,便有可能登堂入室,經由終生的學習、實踐、省思與體證,進入行動智慧之門,而能成為具有行動智慧之行政修行者。其次,課程規劃原則應兼重重理論與實務,提供符合學習者專業發展需求、能有效提昇其專業職能與行動智慧之課程。第三,除原有科目外,建議增加開設行政哲學、行政倫理、行政行動研究、行政革新的策略與實踐、行政觀摩與實習等有助於培養行動智慧的科目。第四,教學方式除過去常用的講授法與分組報告外,宜加強行動研究、案例評析、協同教學、參觀、訪問、實務分享、反省劄記、行政實習、歷程檔案評量等多元方法,俾協助學習者培養終身學習與積極行動的熱忱與行動智慧。 |
英文摘要 | Teh themes of this article focus on researching the meaning and practice of the wisdom for action in school management that includes actionable knowledge, the ethics of school administration, multiple intelligence, practical wisdom, and theoretical wisdom Wisdom for action is the exquisite experience which the educators follow「knowledge-action-reflection」. For educators, they must understand technocratic paradigm, humanistic paradigm and critical paradigm to prepare themselves with the ability of deliberative judgment. For learners, the wisdom for action can be developed to overcome the misunderstanding and myth through the process of learning, doing, and self-reflecting. The training institute should develop appropriate curriculum which cover theoretical courses, practical experience and other courses, such as the philosophy of administration, administration action research ect. Regarding the teaching methods, the learners should intensity action research, case study, visiting, interviewing, practice sharing, introspection, administration practice, and portfolio to achieve thw final goal of wisdom for action. |