題 名 | 臺灣原住民族就業促進總體策略之探討=Promotion of Employment for the Indigenous People in Taiwan: A Tribe-centered and Socioeconomic Development-oriented Strategy |
作 者 | 盧政春; | 書刊名 | 東吳社會學報 |
卷 期 | 12 民91.06 |
頁 次 | 頁93-136 |
分類號 | 542.77 |
關鍵詞 | 原住民; 失業問題; 就業安全; 就業促進政策; Employment security; Promotion of employment; Taiwanese indigenous people; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在區位環境、教育、社經以及就業政策等多重結構限制因素的交加影響下,臺灣原住民族社會,平素就籠罩著5%以上的高失業率陰影。尤有甚者,每當經濟景氣反轉向下,原住民失業率隨即顯現加速向上攀升,本質上有隨全國失業率之攀高而呈更趨惡化之勢;而在景氣恢復時,其下降速度卻又要較一般民眾來得緩慢,致使原住民族失業率,相較於主流社會,不僅上下震盪、而且左右擺幅,均明顯要來得大。這表示,在失業浪潮中,原住民不僅首當其衝,且是受害既深廣又持久的一群。高失業率儼然已成原住民族揮之不去的夢魘與悲慘宿命。 歷經就業安全、就業困境歸因以及原住民就業促進政策原則探討後,本文認為,欲根本解決原住民族高失業問題,使其徹底擺脫高失業宿命,有關當局應從結構著眼,有系統地解除重重的結構限制,特別是要將現行把原住民抽離於其文化、土地、族人、家庭,使原住民離鄉背井的外向型就業促進模式,改變為以改善原住民部落生活環境,滿足原鄉社會需求為導向,而有助原鄉經濟、社會與文化發展以及生態維護,同時又有助於外移人口就業之內向型就業政策,否則錯誤的政策將是導致原住民社會進一步解體與摧毀原住民文化的幫凶。 具體而言,就長遠計,有關當局應有系統地提高原住民的教育水準,有計劃地進行中高階與高階人才培育,以提高中高階、高階人才占原住民總就業人口之比例,並積極促使原住民與非原住民處於交融狀態,以緩和社會歧視問題。 中近程而言,有關當局有必要超越傳統的就業安全理念、格局與既有的勞政取向就業促進模式,而植基於兼顧受雇與自雇就業促進之寬廣措施、特定的就業機會保障架構以及原鄉在地產業發展的固本理念之上,以全方位整合性作法,積極地採取以轉換劣勢為優勢之策略,朝充分發揮原鄉區位優勢(發展特殊農業、觀光產業與社會產業)、原住民文化優勢(闡揚原住民族的珍貴文化資產)以及大社會中有利民眾創業謀生之社會優勢,在緩和社會歧視與提升原住民社會調適力、避開外勞與大陸漁工排擠效應以及顧及原住民族分享文化與群性之前提下,營建一套促進與連結原鄉與都市原住民就業之發展方案,使原住民能優先於原鄉在地就業,而外移都市者亦能藉由原鄉在地產業的延伸,透過相關就業與原鄉保持密切關聯。另一方面,基於「創造中小企業,就是創造就業機會」之理念,有關當局宜應以育成方式,鼓勵並輔導原住民創立中小企業及都市型勞動合作社,並藉積極的專案輔助措施,協助既有原住民中小企業與都市原住民勞動合作社發展其事業。 以上總體策略,若能有效地開展與實踐,則原住民族高失業率宿命或有改變之可能。 |
英文摘要 | Due to lower human capital investment, social discrimination, maladjustment in urban and industrial life, as well as the supplanting effect of increasing foreign labors and insufficiency in employment policy etc., the indigenous people(aborigines)in Taiwan suffer in the last decade a higher unemployment rate, in comparison to other Taiwanese ethnic groups. During the last worldwide depression in economic starting 2000, the unemployment rate in Taiwan has reached 5.26% in September 2001, while the official statistics showed that the indigenous people recorded 14.86%. It was 2.83 times of the national level in the same time. For purposes of lowering the unemployment rate of the indigenous people in Taiwan for the long run, this paper concentrates firstly on the theoretical discussion of the employment security, and then on the analysis about the main causing factors of employment difficulty of the indigenous people. Accordingly, some principles of employment policy for the Taiwanese indigenous people are formulated, which serve as an overall framework for developing a global strategy of the employment promotion policy for the indigenous people in Taiwan. This paper suggests that the current social integration-oriented policy for promotion of employment of indigenous people should be changed into a tribe-centered and socioeconomic development–oriented one with local values and characteristics. To this purpose, a specific employment policy and therefore a specific promotion system for the indigenous people in Taiwan should be formulated and set up. This demands a solid cooperation between many related ministries and effective self-governance of the indigenous people. |