題 名 | 臺灣原住民還我土地運動之媒體再現=Newspaper Coverage of Aboriginal Land Movement in Taiwan |
作 者 | 王嵩音; | 書刊名 | 淡江人文社會學刊 |
卷 期 | 2 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁67-95 |
分類號 | 536.33 |
關鍵詞 | 媒體再現; 新聞框架; 原住民族還我土地運動; Aboriginal land movement; Media framing; Minority; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 還我土地運動是所有原住民運動中最具代表性及規模者。本研究試圖從主流社會 的守門人-傳播媒介的角度觀察這空前的原住民族社會運動歷程。結果顯示新聞媒體大多是 在示威、抗議或衝突的事件發生時才會加以報導。所運用的框架機制包括了有「忽視」、「外 力影響」、「內部歧見」、及「瑣碎化」。不過隨著年代的不同,報紙媒體對於還我土地運動則 多給予較正面的報導。從研究中也發現各報在報導還我土地運動時傾向選擇運動發起組織與 人士,計佔五成強。官方的消息來源僅佔二成左右。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the present study is to examine how newspapers covered the minority movement in Taiwan. The target case is the aboriginal Land Movement. Totally 168 news articles were collected for analysis. Both quantitative content analysis and qualitative text analysis were employed. The results show that newspapers were more likely to report single, dramatic events, to focus on action, and to cover novel events. Other concerns- the racial, social and historical context which influenced events- were neglected. Several news frames were found in the news: trivialization, factionalization of the movement, externalization, and omission. However, newspapers paid more and more attention to the movement and did more in-depth analyses on the problems as the movement reached the third phase. The study also found over fifty percent of the news sources were from the movement leaders and aboriginal legislators, while only one fifth of the news sources were from the authorities. |