題 名 | 戰後澎湖地方派系興衰之研究=The Study of Evolution in the Post-War Penghu Local Faction |
作 者 | 蔡明惠; | 書刊名 | 選舉研究 |
卷 期 | 9:1 2002.05[民91.05] |
頁 次 | 頁113-136 |
分類號 | 572.34 |
關鍵詞 | 地方派系; 地方自治; 侍從主義; 軍事統制; 澎湖; Local faction; Local autonomy; Clientelism; Military control; Penghu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 現有關於台灣地方派系的研究,似乎遺漏了對於離島地區派系政治型態的深入探討;另外有關地方派系沒落的問題,過去也一直較少討論。本研究即試圖採取歷史結構的研究途徑,運用深度訪談的田野調查資料與歷史文獻的佐證,來探討澎湖地方派系的形成與沒落。主要的研究發現包括:(一)澎湖地方派系的形成,乃是地方社會既存的群體組織差異性,隨著自治選舉的競爭,逐漸產生派系抗衡的型態;同時,由於軍事統治力長期掌控縣長職位,使得派系間僅能以省、縣議會議員選舉作為其競爭的場域。(二)由於澎湖地方資源利益的稀少性,以致派系本身欠缺穩固的體系結構,因此,當派系領導人更迭,或是派系成員的利益交換衝突時,便會造成派系的分裂與重組。(三)八○年代澎湖傳統政治派系,無法適應新興商人政治的崛起,而逐漸喪失地方影響力,也因為澎湖解嚴前並未出現政治反對勢力,使得地方派系作為國民黨夾殺反對勢力,所形成的共生結盟關係並不存在,地方派系勢力因而衰退。 |
英文摘要 | At present, the research of local factions in Taiwan seems to have omitted the in-depth study of local faction politics at off-shore island. In addition, lesser effort has been made on the declining issue of local fac-tions in the past years. In this study, the historical and structural ap-proach as well as field study method has been adopted. With the help of historical document and data collected from the in-depth interview, the researcher tried to discuss the formation and declining of Penghu local fac-tions in the post-war. The following findings are emerged from this re-search: (1) Due to the pre-existing inter-group differential and compete-tion of autonomy election, the competition among factions were emerged and the Penghu local factions were generated. In addition, the only com-petition field is the election for congress of county or province because the position of county mayor were controlled by the military force. (2) The faction itself is lack of strong structure because of the scarceness of Penghu local resources. Therefore, when the leader of faction has been changed or the members of faction were facing the conflict in profit could emerge the split and reorganization of faction. (3) In 1980s, the Penghu traditional political factions could not make adjustment to the rise of busi-nessman-like politics and loss the influence to the local area. In addition, there had not been any political oppositions in Penghu during the martial law era. As a result, the relationship of alliance between Kuomintang and faction did not exist, which the local factions were served as the counter-acting pressure of political oppositions for Kuomintang. In this case, local faction has been declined gradually. |