- 高達美式「詮釋學」概念史初探--「詮釋學」從柏拉圖至狄爾泰之詞義思想史
- 文化傳承與社會批判--回顧Apel, Habermas, Gadamer, Ricoeur間的詮釋學論爭
- 詮釋學之為倫理學?--高達美[Hans-Georg Gadamer]《真理與方法》中應用概念之簡介
- 詮釋學循環:史萊瑪赫、海德格和高達美
- 論高達美詮釋學的文本與詮釋之統一性
- 高達美:語言的統一能力
- Dialogue in Philosophical Hermeneutics
- 當代哲學詮釋學源生初探--黑格爾、海德格與高達美
- 詮釋學論爭在爭什麼:理解對話或爭議析辯?--高達美與阿佩爾兩種取徑的評比
- 高達美哲學詮釋學之原理--理解之歷史性與詮釋學循環
題 名 | 高達美式「詮釋學」概念史初探--「詮釋學」從柏拉圖至狄爾泰之詞義思想史=A Primary Research to the Gadamer's History of Idea of Hermeneutics: A Intellectual History about the Meaning of Hermeneutics from Plato to Dilthey |
作 者 | 陸敬忠; |
書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 30:2 2002.06[民91.06] |
頁 次 | 頁189-211 |
分類號 | 147.79 |
關鍵詞 | 高達美; 詮釋; 詮釋學史; 概念史; 目的論性; Gadamer; Hermeneuein; History of hermeneutics; Teleological; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之主旨在於由高達美哲學詮釋學之角度與視域在概念史底向度上綜觀詮釋學之發展史。首先回溯「詮釋」概念的原初字詞來源-hermeneuein 之三基源意義傾向及純粹在思辨上由其引伸的哲學性基本構成等,再順此詞源探索其字義在思想史中的發展。因此,於詞義發展史前,在其一般性詞源學分析中揭示其字詞原初所蘊涵的意義可能性,如此便呈現此哲學概念在語源中所已隱含之基本意涵構成要素及要角,而在此中 更已預立詮釋學式哲思的一般基本範圖與範疇。接著,吾人將對此概念進行詞義發展史之綜覽,依其原初詞源意涵可能性,演繹出其在思想史中各種意義傾向的發展,乃至現代詮釋學中各種重要的理論性建構基本種子思想及方法論建構模型。由此發展史可歸結出現代詮釋學的普遍性問題綜結,而高達美之哲思志業便在解決此問題綜結。 高達美本身曾批判性及綜觀性地處理詮釋學史,此遂為吾人從高達美哲學詮釋學觀點對此歷史作內在性理解提供材料。〈真理與方法〉第二部分之前半部、作為其自身詮釋學理論構思的前導性系統部分一「歷史性準備」(“GeschichtlicheVorbereitung")' {研討課:哲學詮釋學)(Seminar: Philosophische Hermeneutik一書的中「導言」 (“Einführung") ,特別是高達美在〈哲學之歷史辭典)(HistorischeWörterbuch der Philosophie)中對「言全釋學」一詞之專文均為此研究主要文本所在。 在此,吾人以高達美的詮釋學歷史性論述為主軸所構思之史觀來處理詮釋學的哲學史式發展,以展現詮釋學詞義史之為高達美哲學詮釋學的概念史式生成史:由詮釋學概念的詞源學分析所得結果出發,探究此詞在詮釋學思想史上之發展,亦即,此詞的基源意義及基本構成在思想史中的趨向、各種重大詮釋學種子思想的形成、基本理論要素及結構、乃至方法論式建構模型的發展,而此終致現代詮釋學問題綜結之源生o此問題綜結則形成海德格與高達美哲學詮釋學得以興起的思想界一般性情境脈絡。因此,本文關於西方詮釋學發展史之論述便在於,一方面揭示現代詮釋學結構性種子思想及方法論式建構模型的發展,另一方面顯示其一般性問題綜結之緣起,而導致高達美詮釋學之為其解決構思,及其對此發展史中所傳承下詮釋學的積極性理論構思要素之詮釋性攝納。 |
英文摘要 | The Topic of this essay is to overview the develop mental history of hermeneutics from the perspective and horizon of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics in the dimension of concept-history. Itcould be put down to the Greek origin ofhermeneutics-hermeneuein. Itsthree original meaning-tendencies, its speculative possibility of basic philosophical framework, and its development in intellectual history constitute the genesis of hermeneutics. Therefore, before researching the history of this term, we discover first the inherent meaning-possibilities in a ety- mological analysis, in order to present the basic structural elements and activities of hermeneuein. Within these basic structural elements Iie the general fundamental fields and categories of the hermeneutical philosophizing. Then, Weexamine an overview of the developmental history of its meaning, according to its original meaning-possibilities, deduce the different development of its meaning-tendencies in the intellectual history, and finally present the different basic approaches of the important theoretical constructions and methodical models in modern hermeneutics. Through this history, we can understand the general problem-complex of modern hermeneutics, and Gadamer's hermeneutical thinking as an attempt to solve this problem-complex. We have at least three works where Gadamer himself deals with the history of hermeneutics through critical overview. These works give us the material for a systemimmanent understanding of this history from Gadamer's point of view: 1. the first half of the second part of Truth and Method-“Geschichtliche Vorbereitung"; 2. the “Einführung"from Gadamer edited book Seminar: Philosophische Hermeneutik; 3. Gadamer's article “Hermeneutik"in the (HistorischeWörterbuch der Philosophie) . We should investigate these three texts to find the philosophical view of Gadamer's history of hermeneutics in order to deal with its terminological history in a philosophical-historical manner, viz. as a concept-historical genesis of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. From the result of the etymological analysis of the word hermeneuein we will inquire about the development of hermeneutics, i.e. the development of its original meaning and fundamental-philosophical frame work in the intellectual history. We will inquire regarding of its theoretical elements and approaches, its methodological models, and Ìts problem-complex in modern hermeneutics. This complex is the hermeneutical situation of Gadamer's philosohizing. Therefore, this essay reveàls on the one hand the structural genesis of approaches, models and problem" complex of modern hermeneution and on the other hand demonstrate Gadamer's hermeneutics as a solution-concep tion of this complex. Itdemonstrates Gadamer's hermeneutical reception of the constructive theore tical elements in this developmental history. |