題 名 | Economic Regulation in the Telecommunications=析論經濟管制與電信 |
作 者 | 鄭國泰; | 書刊名 | 行政暨政策學報 |
卷 期 | 34 2002.06[民91.06] |
頁 次 | 頁153-175 |
分類號 | 557.7 |
關鍵詞 | 經濟管制; 電信; 民營化; 競爭; 價格管制模式; 報酬率管制模式; Economic regulation; Telecommunications; Privatisation; Price control formulation; Competition; Rate-of-return regulation; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 經濟面向的管制致力於解除過去為避免自然獨占被私人所濫用所為之管制措施。本文研究發現:民營化,管制和競爭之間無庸至疑地環環相扣,且各有其必要意涵;研究其間的互動關係,吾人將確立民營化絕非孤立的概念或政策,也非唯一的萬靈丹。再者,電信是當代基礎建設很重要的一個環節,不但可以對其他部門提供必要且立即的服務,更是一國經濟發展和提昇競爭力之必要建設。由於資訊科技迅速發展和變遷,更加速了電信產業日進,當然更增加其過去所沒有之可能被私人濫用之危險性;因此,除了發展出適合該國系絡之經濟管制模式外,公營電信民營化更需要發展出競爭的市場結構,以及管制的環境及治理,方能有助以提!共電信業者有效的誘因和責任,並能有助於減少制度設計中之不必要的控制,進而確保顧客之權益及為社會帶來更多的利益。 |
英文摘要 | The economic dimension of regulation is concerned with the imposition of controls on entry, exit, prices, outputs, service supplied, markets served, consolidations, and profitability in particular industries. Furthermore, economic objectives of regulation may be matched with 'market failure' situations which can be examined under, particularly, natural monopoly. Findings of this study indicate that: the relationship between competition and regulation shows that privatisation cannot be a solution to everything. Privatisation only leads to a change of ownership, but it is the competition or the effective regulation which really matters as far as increasing performance and channelling investment into the telecommunications sector are concerned. The process is complex and there is no single model or design due to the multitude of factors, conflicting interests, and interrelated evens that are involved. It should, however, be underlined that because the situation has been difficult in each country, one cannot generalise these experience. |