- 闊葉樹於琉球松松材線蟲嚴重為害林內的天然更新及其復育
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題 名 | 闊葉樹於琉球松松材線蟲嚴重為害林內的天然更新及其復育=Hardwood Natural Regeneration and Rehabilitation in a Seriously Nematode-damaged Luchu Pine (Pinus luchuensis) Plantation |
作 者 | 馬復京; 游漢明; 洪富文; 張乃航; 許原瑞; | 書刊名 | 臺灣林業科學 |
卷 期 | 17:2 2002.06[民91.06] |
頁 次 | 頁269-280 |
分類號 | 436.34 |
關鍵詞 | 高生長; 原生樹種; 增植; 成活率; Height growth; Native species; Enrichment planting; Survival rate; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 台北縣坪林地區琉球松人工林遭受松材線蟲(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)為 害,致使上層的琉球松林木枯死殆盡,現今林分則是以陽性樹種白匏仔(Mallotus paniculatus)為主要優勢種的次生闊葉林分,為瞭解該次生闊葉林的樹種組成及更新潛力並 考量維持林地的樹種組成及提升林地保育及生產能力,乃進行次生林更新潛力及復育造林的 探討。本研究在坪林地區受害琉球松人工林進行下列處理:(l)不處埋(control), (2)清除 灌叢(weeding),(3)除草及增值作業(weeding with enrichment planting)。試區為完全 逢機區集設計,每一處理4重覆共4個區集。每一處理樣區面積為40 × 25 m合計1.2 ha。次生闊葉林共調查得72個樹種,其中烏小石、紅楠、香楠及江某具有良好的天然更新能 力,可做為林分經營的目標樹種。林床整理後次生材分的胸高斷面積的生長效果不顯著,受 害松林內天然更新幼木的發生,以林床整理的處理效果顯著,平均發生132株,對照區則平 均發生34株,但在增植作業區平均發生不及l株,在發生幼木的樹種則仍似優勢種的白匏仔 及野桐發生數量最多。林下栽植苗木平均成活率在82.6%,則顯示林床光度均維持在苗木可 存活的等級以上,並非苗木存活的限制因子,而林下栽植的4個闊葉樹種以香楠的高生長表 現最佳,連績4年平均累積淨高生長達l99cm,而其他3個樹種累積高生長則在138cm以 下。自此結果認為利用既存的次生闊葉林再配合林下增植,可加速森林的復育。 |
英文摘要 | A widespread nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) epidemic has occurred in northeastern Taiwan in the past 5-10 yr. Most of the Luchu pine plantations almost completely died back; this caused them to look like early developing secondary hardwood stands dominated by Mallotus paniculatus but interspersed with scattered standing dead Luchu pines. In order to estimate the potential natural regeneration capability of these nematode-damaged stands and determine rehabilitation measures, a typical plantation of this kind was selected in the Pinglin area, northern Taiwan and its stand structure was studied. Afterwards, a completely random block design with 3 treatments and 4 replicates was applied to the plantation. The 3 treatments included control, weeding, and weeding with enrichment planting. Each treatment area was 40 x 25 m. The total area was 0.1 ha. Within the plantation, 72 hardwood tree species were identified, and among them, good natural regeneration ability was found for important timber species, such as Michelia compressa, Machilus thunbergii, Mac. zuithoensis and Schefflera octophylla. The results show that within this secondary stand, weeding treatment did not significantly increase the basal area growth of the residual hardwood trees in the stand, which might have been affected by the disturbance of typhoons and damages caused by cutting practices of the nematode-damaged pines. However, weeding did increase the new occurrence of tree seedlings to and average of 132 seedlings/plot compared to 34 seedlings/plot in the control. As to the weeding with enrichment planting, the increase in new seedlings was lower than that in the control. The high weeding frequency in the treatment may have caused this result. The dominant naturally occurring seedlings were 2 pioneer tree species Mal. Paniculatus and Mal. japonicus. For 4 native tree species used for enrichment planting, the net height growth of Machilus zuihoensis reached on average of 199 cm in 4 yr, but the net height growth of the remaining 3 tree species was still below 138 cm on average in the same period. The survival rates of seedlings were all above 82.6%, indicating the under-canopy bright is not a limiting factor in such stands. Weeding or weeding with enrichment planting can accelerate the restoration of this secondary forest. |