題 名 | 受訓動機與訓練評量三個層次之關係研究=The Influence of Trainee Motivation on Three Levels of Training Evaluation |
作 者 | 莊世杰; 楊仁壽; 黃俊祥; | 書刊名 | 管理評論 |
卷 期 | 21:2 2002.04[民91.04] |
頁 次 | 頁81-102 |
分類號 | 494.386 |
關鍵詞 | 受訓動機; 訓練評量; 反應; 學習; 訓練遷移動機; Trainee's motivation; Training evaluation; Reaction; Learning; Motivation to transfer; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 過去國內對於企業教育訓練的研究甚少,而隨著產業的改變及企業經營知識與技能等之快速累積,使得企業對於員工的教育訓練益顯重要。本研究主要探討員工訓練前的受訓動機強弱是否會影響員工的訓練結果,並基於Kirkpatrick所提出的訓練評量準則探討訓練反應是否會影響到學員自覺到的學習效果,以及受訓動機、學員自覺到的學習效果是否會影響學員的遷移意願。 本研究以中華電信訓練所及中國生產力中心201位受訓學員為樣本,估計超過20種以上的訓練課程,以LISREL 8為分析工具,研究結果如下: 1.員工受訓前的受訓動機強弱明顯的影響其訓練效果,訓練前動機愈強者對於訓練課程愈感到喜歡與滿意,愈覺得自己在訓練中有收穫,並且愈有較高應用上課所學於實際工作中之意願。 2.學員愈喜歡與滿意訓練課程者愈能感受到自己的學習效果佳。 3.員工認為自己學到訓練課程內容與否,對於應用上課所學於實際工作上之意願並無任何的影響。 研究結果對於若干訓練觀念的釐清與實務應用提供一些新的看法與參考,有助於訓練效果之改善。 |
英文摘要 | In recent years, investments on training by organizations have been varied and continued to grow rapidly in order to adapt to violent business environment. In spite of such large investments on training, only 10% of training leads to a change in behavior on training. Therefore, it is important to explor what factors influence training outcome. Consequently, the purpose of this paper is to investigate whether trainee motivation influence three levels of Kirkpartick's training evaluation. The results indicate trainee's motivation will affect three levels of training evaluation reaction, learning, and motivation to transfer. And trainee's reaction has a favorable impact on learning outcome, but learning was unrelated to trainee's motivation to transfer. These findings help us to clarify concept about training and provide some new vision in practice. |