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題 名 | 吐生與厚德--土的原型象徵=Birth and Thickness--The Primordial Symbolic Meanings of Earth |
作 者 | 楊儒賓; | 書刊名 | 中國文哲研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 20 2002.03[民91.03] |
頁 次 | 頁383-445 |
分類號 | 282、282 |
關鍵詞 | 吐生; 厚德; 原型; 權力; 土德; Birth; Thickness; Archetype; Power; Earth; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文探討土在五行學說定型化以前的象徵意義。本文從兩件儀式--籍禮與祭土、一種祭祀機制--社及三位神話人物--女媧、大禹、黃帝入手,探討「土」的象徵意義。本文認為土最重要的象徵為創生、厚德與權力。土的權力象徵在「黃帝」身上特別彰顯出來,他代表一種秩序原理。創生與厚德則成為儒家生生的形上學及謙遜、篤實、慎終追遠諸德的源頭。 本文是筆者「五行原論」系列文章中的一篇,此系列文章將五行視為道體的原型象徵,它自身擁有不可化約的質性。本文的目的是要增補儒家體用論的客體面。 |
英文摘要 | This article examines the symbol of earth in early China, in the period in which the system of Five Agents was not yet formed. I explore this issue from one religious institution, two rituals (the chi ritual and the offering to the altar of earth) and three mythical personalities and events (Nu Wa, Yu the Great, the Yellow Emperor). This article suggests that the fundamental symbolic meanings of earth in early China were birth, thickness, and power. The element of power was specially embodied in the image of the Yellow Emperor, who conquered the mythical monster Ch'ih-Yu and four other emperors. He represents a principle of order. The ideas of birth and thickness were adopted unconsciously by Confucianism. Confucianism was based on the good earth of the Yellow River plain. Unavoidably, its philosophy was deeply penetrated by the symbolic meanings of the yellow earth. In Confucian metaphysics, it was expressed as unending life, as well as modesty, honesty, integrity, and respect for ultimate things such as the respect towards origin. This article is one in the series of my "The Origins of the Five Agents or Five Elements.'' I want to emphasize the objective aspect of the theory of substance and function in Chinese metaphysics. |