- 子宮內膜異位症對婦女婚姻生活之影響
- 組織慣性特徵研究
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- 漫談子宮內膜異位症及治療
題 名 | 子宮內膜異位症對婦女婚姻生活之影響=The Influence of Endometriosis on Female Marital Life |
作 者 | 林淑玲; 夏萍絗; 李奇龍; 許樹珍; | 書刊名 | 新臺北護理期刊 |
卷 期 | 4:1 2002.02[民91.02] |
頁 次 | 頁23-35 |
分類號 | 417.27 |
關鍵詞 | 子宮內膜異位症; 婦女患病; 婚姻生活; 紮根理論; Endometriosis; Female disease; Marital life; Grounded theory; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的乃經由罹患子宮內膜異位症婦女所面臨的處境,探討因疾病造成婦女心理壓力,夫妻相處的衝擊導致婚姻生活的改變。藉由社會文化的眼光了解婦女的心境,以探究婚姻生活改變的現象。研究設計乃是應用紮根理論研究方法,於全省各地子宮內膜異位協中,經由理論性抽樣方式訪談15位個案,以達到資料豐富性與飽和。個案皆經過深度訪談學40-60分鐘,以錄音及作筆記的方式紀錄語言及非語言的訪談過程與內容。資料分析結果呈現三個主要核心範疇及相關副範疇分別是: 一、夫妻相處的牽?-副範疇包括:無趣的性生活、生育的關卡、負向婚姻溝通;二、天長地久有時盡- 貑範疇包括:同床異夢、冷淡與疏遠、衝突與危機;三、生命共同體-夫妻相扶相持、共同尋求資源。研究結果顯示社會建構下,罹患子宮內膜異位症婦女其婚姻生活變化之間的關係與意涵。也將提供護理人員於臨床與社區中,進一步了解患病婦女的需求,能運用更多的護理照顧關心婦女並達到預防婚姻危機的發生,協助婦女走過患病的陰霾。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was, by investigating endometriosis patients' situations in martial life, to explore the female's psychological pressure in dealing with the disease, the impact of the couple' relationship, and thus the change in her marital life. From the patients' thoughts and feelings were analyzed via the social and cultural points of view, and the phenomenon and their relations during the evolutions of marital life were studied. The study design was based upon grounded theory. Fifteen patients via theoretical sampling from Endometriosis Association Taiwan were interviewed to achieve the criterion of saturation. Every interview lasted for 40 to 60 minutes, recorded by tapes and notes for the vocal and non-vocal processes and contents. The results of data analysis were presented in three main categories, namely, (1).drawbacks in couple's relationship with subjects including dissatisfaction with sexual life, pressures from interility, and negativity in communication; (2). decline in couple's interaction, with subjects including diversity in thoughts, coldness with distance, and conflict with crises; (3). unity in couple's life with subjects including helping each other in struggle, and seeking resources together. This study provided the information between the individual and the marital life of the endometriosis patients in social construction. It also offered the clinical and community professional caregivers further understandings of the female patients' demands, so as to prevent marital crisis by using care to assist patients coping with the endometriosis. |