- 子宮內膜異位症家族傾向調查報告
- 子宮內膜異位症
- 子宮內膜異位症與CA-125
- Clinical Assessment of Women Undergoing In-Vitro Fertilization and Tubal Embryo Transfer Using Recombinant Human Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
- The Different Effects of Peritoneal Fluid Protein in the Follicular and Luteal Phase from Cases of Nonendometriosis on the in Vitro Development of Two-Cell Mouse Embryos
- 漫談子宮內膜異位症及治療
- 子宮內膜異位症的一般概念
- 子宮內膜異位症
- 子宮內膜異位症診斷與治療
- 子宮內膜異位症合併不孕症的治療