題 名 | 以全球資訊網網站進行教學評量之研究=A Design of Web-based System for Student Ratings of Instruction |
作 者 | 李耀奎; 張秀華; 鍾芳貞; | 書刊名 | 大仁學報 |
卷 期 | 20 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁167-176 |
分類號 | 521.3 |
關鍵詞 | 教學評量; 問卷調查; 全球資訊網; Student ratings of instruction; Questionnaire; WWW; HTML; ASP; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 許多大專院校為求教學品質的提升,以推行教師教學評量的方式,期瞭解學生對教師教學及課程設計的反應,經由教學評量資料分析,提供教師日後改進教學及科系課程設計的參考依據。傳統之教學評量是以紙張問卷調查的方式進行,在進行的過程中需消耗大量的紙張,此外問卷調查的施行、資料收集、資料輸入及分析尚需眾多的人力資源,處理時效亦不佳。 目前網際網路盛行,網路上如電子郵件、電子佈告欄及全球資訊網(World Wide Web,WWW)等服務,已影響許多人的生活方式,資訊的收集及傳輸已漸漸由傳統書本紙張形式,轉變為電子檔案型態,因此本研究利用HTML文件、FrontPage98、ASP及資料庫等技術,建置網頁式教學評量系統,以網頁線上問卷調查的方式,來獲取教學評量的資料,以此方式除了可減少紙張資源浪費,利用電腦程式進行資料統計及分析,尚可避免人工作業產生的誤失,提升處理效能及效率,讓教師能很快上網查詢其任教課程評量結果,作為教學改進的參考。 |
英文摘要 | Student ratings of instruction have been employed by Tajen Institute of Technology for quite some time. The purpose is to provide faculty with information for teaching and course improvement. Traditional paper-pencil method is time-consuming and costly to administer. The rating results are show to come out and to be disseminated. With the current state of computer and Internet technology, many universities are beginning to use web-based system to improve administration, teaching, and students' learning. The purpose of this study was to integrate the state-of-the-art technology in web pages design, CGI (Common Gateway Interface), and database management system to develop a web-based system for student ratings of instruction. System was tested by students of Management Information Systems Department. Each questionnaire contains 22 questions with one open-ended comment. Students can login the web-based system via web browsers and answer one questionnaire for each course before the date set by the administrator. Data volume for the system test contains 1431 questionnaires for 31 courses. The results show that, on average, it takes 1 minute and 33 seconds for a student to finish answering one questionnaire on-line. The time required to calculate statistical summary for the above data is around 1 minute. After the summary data is calculated, the rating results are available for faculty to access via the web. Overall, results suggest that web-based method is a viable alternative to the paper-and-pencil mode of student ratings of instruction. |