題 名 | 利用蒸發式水牆降溫菇舍於平地高溫期香菇生產=Utilization of Evaporative Cooling Structure on Shiitake Production at Warm Season on Low Land |
作 者 | 顏永福; 陳淑芳; 陳淑涓; | 書刊名 | 中國園藝 |
卷 期 | 47:1 2001.03[民90.03] |
頁 次 | 頁21-30 |
分類號 | 435.29 |
關鍵詞 | 香菇; 蒸發式水牆降溫設施; 菌絲; 太空包; 子實體; 出菇; 溫度; Shiitake; Evaporation cooling structure; Mycelium; Sawdust substrate bag; Fruit body; Fruiting; Temperature; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 香菇菌絲及子實體在高溫下生長不良,所以香菇無法在臺灣平地高溫期栽培,本試驗於菇舍內設置蒸發式水牆降溫系統以降低菇舍內溫度,期能在夏季高溫期於平地栽培香菇,以獲得較佳的收益。香菇太空包排放角度和立體栽培對產量有影響,將菌絲已成熟的太空包以不同角度排放於菇舍地面,0°(平放)處理的總產量3252g/30包和出菇率66.7%最高,90°(直立)處理的總產量最低1301g/30包,0°處理的總產量與60、75和90°(直立)處理有顯著差異。在立體栽培架上培育菌絲的太空包第1次香菇採收量較在地面培育顯著較高,顯示立體栽培既可增加空間使用率又可以增加產量。將太空包接種後置於降溫菇舍,在出菇前給予前處理與刺激出菇處理以刺激子實體產生,結果為冷藏前處理合併灌水刺激出菇處理的總產量4292g/12包較未灌水處理的顯著較高,其出菇率97.9%亦最高。將太空包置於降溫菇舍或常溫菇舍內培育菌絲,在相同的前處理與刺激出菇處理下,產量和出菇率均無顯著差異,但降溫菇舍內的太空包菌絲生長較佳較早褐化成熟。由本試驗結果得知蒸發式水牆降溫菇舍可用於平地高溫期栽培香菇,生產模式建議為將接種後的太空包置於降溫菇舍內的立體栽培架上,以培育菌絲待菌絲成熟後,給予10℃冷藏前處理10天,再灌水刺激出菇處理以刺激出菇,則可以在臺灣夏季平地栽培香菇,且使用立體栽培架栽培可以有效的增加降溫菇舍的空間使用效率。 |
英文摘要 | The evaporative cooling structure was estimated to grow shiitake in warm season to result in early harvest and high yield in the experiment. These laid shiitake bags on floor that had the highest yield of 3252 g/30 bags and the highest percentage of fruiting bags of 66.7%, in contrast, these straight shiitake bags that had the lowest yield of 1301 g/30 bags, the results showed that yields of fruit bodies were affected by angles of shiitake sawdust substrate bags placed on floor. Yields of fruit bodies of shiitake bags placed on frame that were higher significantly than those of straight bags placed on floor. In the experiment these shiitake bags chilled and flooded at mycelial mature stage that produced the highest yield (4292 g/12 bags) and highest percentage of fruiting bags (97.9%), the results showed that yield of fruit bodies of shiitake were affected by both chilling pre-treatment and flooding treatment. Shiitake bags grown in evaporative cooling structure mycelial appeared earlier maturity than these grown at natural ventilation structure, but yield was not different significantly. It were concluded that shiitake appeared well growth in evaporation cooling structure in warm season on low land. It suggested that shiitake sawdust substrate bags are placed in evaporation cooling structure to grow mycelial until the stage of mycelial maturity, then these bags are shifted into cool room (10℃) for 10 days, then are flooded to produce fruit bodies. For decreasing productive cost shiitake bags may be placed on the multi-layer frame to increase the capacity of evaporation cooling structure. |