- 被診斷為心臟精神官能症的左心房粘液瘤--病例報告
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題 名 | 被診斷為心臟精神官能症的左心房粘液瘤--病例報告=Atrial Myxoma Diagnosed as Cardiac Neurosis: A Case Report |
作 者 | 林建輝; 鍾嫈嫈; 郭靖海; 李君儀; | 書刊名 | 臺灣家庭醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 11:3 2001.09[民90.09] |
頁 次 | 頁146-152 |
分類號 | 415.31 |
關鍵詞 | 左心房; 粘液瘤; 原發性心臟腫瘤; Cardiac neurosis; Sudden death; Left atrial myxoma; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 胸悶、心悸及呼吸困難在基層醫療是很常見的主訴,大部份僅是情緒壓力造成,但也有可能是會發生致命之原發性心臟腫瘤(primary neoplasm of heart)。原發性心臟腫瘤並不常見,但卻可能會造成病人的猝死(sudden death),其中又以粘液瘤(myxoma)佔大多數。本病例是一個以陣發性胸悶、心悸及輕微呼吸困難等症狀為臨床表現被誤診為心臟精神官能症(cardiac neurosis)之三十八歲女性護理人員,經發現異常的心電圖及胸部放射線檢查後,進一步做心臟超音波,診斷出左心房粘液瘤(left atrial myxoma)併僧帽瓣阻塞及中度肺動脈高壓,及時手術治療後成功之個案。希望藉著本篇文章,能提醒基層醫師在診療過程中,對眾多非特異性主訴之病患,能提高警覺心臟腫瘤的可能性,得以早期診斷,早期手術治療,以避免病人可能的猝死。 |
英文摘要 | Chest tightness, palpitation and dyspnea are common chief complaints in general practice. They are mostly induced by emotional stress or, in a rarer case, by potentially fatal primary cardiac neoplasm. Cardiac myxoma is the commonest primary cardiac neoplasm. It can induce sudden cardiac death. We report a case of 38-year-old female nurse presented with paroxysmal chest tightness, palpitation and slight dyspnea. The initial diagnosis was cardiac neurosis, but was thereafter revised as left atrial myxoma with mitral valve obstruction and moderate pulmonary hypertension based on the findings of abnormalities in electrocardiogram, chest roentgenography and advanced echocardiography. Fortunately, she had a successful surgery and satisfactory outcome. The purpose of this case report is to remind us, as family doctors, that life-threatening cardiac tumors may present with non-specific clinical manifestations, and early diagnosis with timely surgical intervention can prevent sudden death. |