- Primary Cardiac Tumors: Report of Two Cases
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題 名 | Primary Cardiac Tumors: Report of Two Cases=原發性心臟腫瘤:兩病例報告 |
作 者 | 洪吉杰; 陳世杰; 李瑤華; 徐劍耀; 呂鴻基; | 書刊名 | 中華放射線醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 24:1 1999.02[民88.02] |
頁 次 | 頁27-30 |
分類號 | 415.31 |
關鍵詞 | 原發性心臟腫瘤; 電腦斷層; 磁振造影; 動態性檢查; Heart neoplasm; Computed tomography; CT; Magnetic resonance imaging; MRI; Dynamic study; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 小兒之原發性心臟腫瘤相當罕見,在此篇病例報告中,我們發表兩位有原發性心臟腫瘤之案例,經由超音波、電腦斷層、磁振造影及心導管攝影檢查,而有臨床上初步的診斷,此兩例都接受手術治療並有病理診斷。臨床上,非侵襲的超音波檢查可先用來決定腫瘤的位置及範圍以評估開刀的可行性,而電腦斷層和磁振造影可以在開刀前就可以給我們腫瘤有關的特性,用以決定開刀的方式或種類,例如,動態性之電腦斷層攝影或磁振造影可幫助我們評估腫瘤的血管含量,以做為術前之參考,並降低術中出血之危險性。 |
英文摘要 | Primary cardiac tumors inchildren are extremely rare. In thiscase report, two children withprimary cardiac tumors arepresented. The diagnosis was madebased on the clinical manifestationssuch as heart murmur and imagingstudies including sonography,computed tomography (CT),magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging,and cardiac catheterization.Pathological confirmation wasmade after surgical interventionand the post-op courses weresmooth in these two patients.Dynamic CT and MR studies wereperformed in both cases andshowed a hypervascular pattern inimmediate and delayed scanningindicating vascular componentswithin the tumors. Two-dimensional echocardiography isthe primary non-invasive tool todetermine the extent and locationof the tumor. CT and MRI can giveus further information about tumorcharacteristics before biopsy andsurgery. |