- Species Diversity and Seasonal Fluctuation of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Bamboo Stands in Taipei
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題 名 | Species Diversity and Seasonal Fluctuation of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Bamboo Stands in Taipei=臺北竹林果實蠅(雙翅目:果實蠅科)種類多樣性及其季節變動 |
作 者 | 張弘毅; 許洞慶; 吳文哲; | 書刊名 | 臺灣昆蟲 |
卷 期 | 21:1 2001.03[民90.03] |
頁 次 | 頁47-64 |
分類號 | 387.795 |
關鍵詞 | 果實蠅科; 竹林; 種類多樣性; 季節變動; 顏色誘器; Tephritidae; Bamboo; Species diversity; Seasonal fluctuation; Colored trap; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 自1996年1月至1999年5月於台北地區四個竹筍栽培區,利用4種顏色的黏紙定期調查所發生之果實蠅種類。共擁獲136,160隻,62種果實蠅,分屬於5個亞科:蠟實蠅亞科5種,植實蠅亞科8種,紋翅實蠅亞科33種,寡毛實蠅亞科11種,斑翅實蠅亞科5種。其中Carpophthoracidia matsumotoi shiraki為新紀錄種。本文亦描述其中27種果實蠅之年度發生消長情形。在4個調查區所發生的果實蠅種類相近,但各種類所佔組成比例略有差異,其中6種優勢種的果實蠅佔所有獲蟲數的89.97至96.87%。優勢種中的六條中蠅(Acrotaeniostola sexvittata Hendel),黃斑實蠅(Acroceratitis plumose Hendel),腹炎實蠅(Gastrozona fasciventris (macquart)),寬炎實蠅(Euphranta chrysopila Hendel)及黑翅實蠅(Ptilona persimilis Hendel)主要發生於竹林地區,其族群發生量在4個地區及調查點間差異很大。然而其週年發生之高峰期與竹筍產期一致,顯然竹筍之有無為影響竹筍果實蠅族群變動之主要因子。調查資料亦顯示,黃色黏紙對大多數的果實蠅最具引誘力,其次為綠色、藍色及白色;藍色及白色對優阜實蠅屬(Euphranta)的種種尤具引誘力。本試驗結果證實利用黏紙可作為非食果類果實蠅監測之工具,且如能並用黃、綠色及藍、白色黏紙則更可提高其效率。 |
英文摘要 | Fruit flies were regularly trapped by using four different-colored sticky traps in four bamboo cultivation areas in the vicinity of Taipei from January 1996 to May 1999. In total, 136,160 fruit flies of 62 species were captured . Among them, five species belonged to the Ceratitidinae, eight to the Phytalmiinae, 33 to the Trypetinae, 11 to the Dacinae, and five to the Tephritinae. Carpophthoracidia matsumotoi shiraki was new to Taiwan. Seasonal population fluctuations of 27 fruit fly species were observed. Their composition among the bamboo stands varied from six predominant species and represented 89.97% of the individuals captured. Five preponderant species, i.e. Acrotaeniostola sexvittata Hendel, Acroceratitis plumose Hendel, gastrozona fasciventris (Macquart), Euphranta chrysopila Hendel, and Ptilona persimilis Hendel, were always associated with bamboo. Fly populations varied greatly among and within the study areas; however, their peak population densities coincided with the bamboo shoot production season, and the availability of bamboo shoots could be considered the most important environmental factor affecting population fluctuations of bamboo shoot fruit flies. The survey showed that yellow was the most attractive color to most of the fruit flies, followed in order by green , blue, and white. However, blue and white sticky traps captured most of the Euphranta species. Results of this study support colored traps can be used as a tool for monitoring non-frugivorus fruit flies, and their effectiveness can be enhanced if they are used in combinations of yellow or green traps with white or blue trps. |