- 「金箔-Native Gold」之急性毒性試驗
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題 名 | 「金箔-Native Gold」之急性毒性試驗=Assement of Acute Toxicity of "Jin Bo-Native Gold" |
作 者 | 蔡金川; 賴東淵; 張永賢; 林昭庚; 黃柏憲; 蔡志仁; 康婉儀; | 書刊名 | 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 1:1 2001.09[民90.09] |
頁 次 | 頁35-54 |
分類號 | 414.34 |
關鍵詞 | 金箔; 急性毒性; 半數致死劑量; 生化影響; 病理觀察; Native gold; Jin bo; Acute toxicity; Semi-mortality; LD50; Biochemical parameters; Histopathological observation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本論文探討金箔(Native gold)對小白鼠之急性毒性評估,採用Litchfield and Wilcoxon方法,分正常對照組及實驗組(金箔劑量: 0.0mg/㎏、600mg/㎏、1200 mg /㎏、3600mg/kg),凡四組。進行口服單劑量之短期試驗,觀察小鼠死亡數目及中毒情形以計算急性毒性之半數致死劑量(LD50)。此外,觀察期結束後摘採取小鼠重要臟器(肝、心、脾、肺、腎)及血清,檢測生化指標,並進行組織病理學觀察。結果:急性毒性試驗中,四組皆無死亡,其半數致死劑量為每公斤大於3.6公克,顯示金箔水懸浮液毒性甚小。生化指標探討在肝功能方面:對GOT、GPT的影響並無達統計學上的意義;腎功能方面:低劑量(600mg/kg) Creatinine有稍許升高,高劑量( 1200mg/㎏、3600mg/kg )卻有低於正常控制組之表現,此外BUN 皆有下降;代謝方面:Cholesterol有稍許升高,但未達統計上之意義;Glucose 影響上:低、中劑量“金箔”對小鼠血糖稍許提高,但未達統計上之意義。而高劑量“金箔”卻有降低血糖之表現。重要臟器之組織並無特殊病理發現。 |
英文摘要 | The study of acute toxicity of native gold on mice was carried out using the method of Litchfield and Wilcoxon. Mice were divided randomly into three experimental groups (600, 1200, 3600 mg/kg.) and a normal control group of 10 each. Each dose of native gold and normal saline was respectively administered orally in experimental and control group. All the animals were continuously observed for 72 hours for changes in general behavior and mortality, therefore calculating the dose semi - mortality (LD50). After 72hrs, all animals were sacrificed and their blood serum were used to determine the biochemical parameters, including GOT, GPT, BUN, Creatinine, Glucose and Cholesterol Organs of liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney were also obtained and fixed in 10 % formalin for histopathological ex-aminatlon. As a result, native gold did not cause any mortality in mice when administered orally in dose up to 3600mg/㎏, meaning that toxicity for native gold is very small. In addition, native gold also did not produce significant changes in general behavior, serum biochemical, and pathological data. In urinary funvtion, the cre-atinine was increased slightly in experimental group of low dose (600mg/kg) and decreased in group of middle and high dose (1200, 3600mg/kg), as compared to In addition, that in the control group. BUN was decreased in all experimental groups. In metabolism, cholesterol was increased in all experimental groups and blood glucose was increased in the groups of low and middle doses. |