題 名 | 建置臨床路徑之服務水準與成本效益評估--以某區域療養院為例=Evaluation of Service and Cost Effectiveness for Implementing the Clinical Pathway System: A Regional Psychiatric Hospital Case Study |
作 者 | 龐玉涓; 孔祥慧; | 書刊名 | 商管科技季刊 |
卷 期 | 2:4 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁399-431 |
分類號 | 419.5 |
關鍵詞 | 臨床路徑; 服務水準; 成本效益; 急性精神分裂病; Clinical pathway; Service level; Cost effectiveness analysis; Acute schizophrenia; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 我國自從全民健保實施後,已逐漸走向論病計酬(Case Payment)的給付制度,加以醫療產業競爭者日多,因此醫院在經營上,同時面臨到提升醫療品質與降低營運成本之雙重挑戰。在眾多的改善措施中,臨床路徑(Clinical Pathway, CP)之推行已逐漸受到重視。臨床路徑是一項由醫生、護士與其他後勤支援人員所共同組成之專業醫療團隊,針對某一特定的診斷或手術,擬定最適當的介入順序與時間,充分發揮醫療機構醫療資源的最大效益,而同時使得醫療品質得以提升的規劃。本研究之目的,乃是以全面品質管理(Total Quality Management)之觀念為基礎,建立一系統性的CP導入與效益評估步驟。本研究同時針對我國某區域療養院為個案,建構急性精神分裂病(Acute Schizophrenia)之臨床路徑,同時以病患及家屬滿意度作為評估服務水準之指標,同時並建立評估推動臨床路徑前後成本效益之分析架構,以作為今後全面推動臨床路徑之參考依據。 |
英文摘要 | Since the case payment policy is implemented in Taiwan's National Health Insurance (NHI) system, the hospitals are facing great challenge, especially in upgrading their treatment quality and operation efficiency Among those improvement procedures been implemented, clinical pathway (CP) is one of the major tactical practices which gains more and more attention. Clinical pathway is a standard-clinical-operations-seeking methodology that is accomplished by a CP team including doctors, nurses, and staffs. The objective of CP is to ensure the receiving of the patients with the best treatment quality during a specific operation or clinical procedure by determining the optimal check point and monitoring sequences in terms of the consumption of medical resources and effectiveness of medical treatment. This paper introduces a successfully real-case adoption of the total quality management (TQM) in developing a pioneered CP for acute schizophrenia treatment in a public regional psychiatric hospital. |