題 名 | 北市國中學生家長之預防子女藥物濫用措施與藥物教育需求=Strategy for Prevention of Drug Abuse and Demands for Drug Education among Junior High School Students' Parents |
作 者 | 彭如瑩; 李景美; | 書刊名 | 衛生教育學報 |
卷 期 | 16 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁77-101 |
分類號 | 548.82 |
關鍵詞 | 國中學生; 家長; 教育; 預防措施; 需求; 藥物濫用; Students; Parents; Education; Drug abuse; Prevention; Demand; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解台北市國中學生家長對預防子女藥物濫用措施及藥物教育需求的情形,並分析與社會人口學變項、家庭因素、藥物濫用認知、態度及行為的關係,作為未來規劃家長及社區民眾藥物濫用預防教育防制工作的參考。本研究母群體為民國八十九年一月份在學的台北市公、私立國民中學學生家長,共計104,262位。以分層隨機抽樣方式抽出八所國中一、二、三年級各一班的學生家長為對象進行結構式問卷調查。施測時間為民國八十九年一月,採自填問卷的方式蒐集資料,透過學生將問卷回家交由家長填答,共計發出問卷690份,有效樣本數628人。 研究結果發現在預防子女藥物濫用措施方面,受到家長大體上經常會對子女採行預防措施,且超過五成家長總是會採行督導子女行為的預防措施,但仍有部分家長較少與子女溝通及善盡家長角色的預防措施。在藥物教育需求方面,大部分的家長表示需要學習藥物基本資訊、溝通、協助子女發展生活技巧、督導子女行為及善盡家長角色等教育內容。家長在藥物濫用知識測驗的答對率為69.9%,但對於藥物的基本概念的認識及藥物濫用相關法律規範等兩方面的知識較為欠缺。家長獲得藥物資訊管導以電視(83.3%)、報紙(82.7%)、宣導資料(51.8%)、雜誌、期刊(51.0%)為主。在藥物濫用態度方面,大部分受測家長表示不贊成使用成癮性藥物。在藥物濫用行為方面,大多數家長不曾使用成癮藥物,僅一人成曾使用過,此外大多數的家長是不曾吸菸、喝酒、嚼檳榔,但仍有部分家長曾使用過,分別約有二成及二成六的家長一個月內曾吸過菸、喝過酒,另有一成四的家長曾嚼過檳榔。 受測家長的預防子女藥物濫用措施與藥物教育需求之間有顯著低相關,顯示採行愈多預防子女藥物濫用措施的家長,其有較高的藥物教育需求度。受測家長的社會人口學變項、家庭因素及藥物濫用認知、態度及行為等十八個預測變項,能顯著預測家長對預防子女藥物濫用措施,而無法顯著預測整體藥物教育需求,但卻發現藥物濫用認知變項皆能顯著預測五項藥物教育需求。 本研究結果可提供相關單位制定完整的家長與成人藥物教育計畫的參考,並建議在社區或學校中進行實驗研究,在設計藥物教育時,尤應加強家長協助子女發展生活技巧方法實施藥物教育課程。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this paper was to study the drug abuse prevention strategies of drug abuse and the demand for drug education among junior high school students’ parents in Taipei city. It was shown in this study that, strong correlation exists between theses and their socio-demographic variables, family specific factors, as well as their knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of drug abuse. The sample was collected using a cluster sampling method. Eight schools participated in the survey, with the total number of valid questionnaires being 628. The data were collected in the from of self-service without administration during January 2000. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1.Preventive strategies were adopted by most parents to help their children stay away from drugs. 2.Most parents demanded for learning more about drugs and associated prevention strategies. 3.More than 70% of the questions in the test on knowledge of drug abuse were answered correctly. 4.The primary sources from which most parents got their knowledge of drug abuse were television programs, followed by newspapers. 5.Most parents disapproved of drug-taking, smoking, betelnut-chewing, and alcohol-drinking. 6.There was a significant correlation between the prevention strategy and the demands for drug education among the parents. 7.Socio-demographic variables, family specific factors, and their knowledge, attitude and behavior of drug abuse could be used to predict the strategy used by parents to keep their children from drug abuse. 8.Socio-demographic factors, and their knowledge, attitude and behavior of drug abuse could also be used to predict the demands for drug education from the parents. We suggest that the government should develop a comprehensive adult education on drug abuse. At the same time, schools should enhance parents’ life skills training and law education. For further studies on this subject, other methods like clinical observation and interview can also be used to collect the data. |