題 名 | 網路零售商店經營策略之實證探討--以農特產品網站為例=Exploring Strategies of the Internet Retailing Store Taking Agriculture Products as an Example |
作 者 | 黃振中; 施盛寶; | 書刊名 | 農民組織學刊 |
卷 期 | 3 2001.12[民90.12] |
頁 次 | 頁63-87 |
分類號 | 431.25 |
關鍵詞 | 電子商務; 網路零售商店; 網路經營策略; 農產品行銷; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著網路零售業務的興盛,網路上販賣之商品也日趨多元化,各式各樣之商品或服務,已逐漸地由實體市場中轉戰至電子商務市場。然而是否每一種商品均適合在網站上販賣、且針對不同的客戶需求均採用同一套經營策略,頗值得深入探討。本文結合Figueiredo(2000)、White& Cheng(1996)與Modahl(2000)等學者的研究結果,建立了一個農特產品在網站上販賣之研究架構,架構中摘列26項網路商店經營策略,依商品特質將其分成重點經營策略與非重點經營策略兩大類,並探討其與相關網路商店經營變數間之關連。利用此一架構對國內一家由政府輔導的農特產品網站進行個案研究;在經由實地訪談、資料收集、檔案欄位分析、實體市場比價等工作後,再由客戶檔案中隨機抽取300位客戶進行問卷調查,回收153份有效樣本。資料分析後發現,個案系統對重點經營策略的執行程度高於非重點經營策略,此一現象可用來解釋個案系統之交易金額呈現逐月正成長之趨勢。此外,重點經營策略的執行程度可解釋客戶滿意度並不高。另一方面,客戶對各項經營策略重要程度認同與其目前的感受程度仍有明顯的差距;而網站之價格較市價便宜並沒有使其銷售狀況有較好的效果。 |
英文摘要 | With the popularity of the e-business, more and more products as well as services are sold on the Internet recently. However, only a few of them can survive and get profit from the Web. It will be an interesting issue to investigate whether every products or services in real markets still suitable selling with the same strategy in the virtual network. In this article, we reviewed the articles from Figueiredo(2000), White & Cheng(1996) and Modahl(2000) and proposed a research framework including 26 web-based strategies to verify whether an agricultural grocery e-store executes these strategies well or not. Besides, we divide these strategies into more important and less important categories by the characteristic of selling products in this e-store. Based on the framework, we selected a local web-based agricultural grocery partial funded by the government as a case study. After interviewing the executive of the store, collecting data from the web pages, analyzing the architecture of the trading system, and comparing the price between the physical store as well as the virtual one, we selected 300 customers randomly from customer file as the survey population got 153 valid samples. Through the data analysis, we found that this store paid more attention on strategies of more important category than on counterparts of less important category. With this result, we can explain the sales volume increasing monthly. There was no significant difference between the perceptions of two categories from customers’ viewpoints. Besides, there was no direct evidence to explain the customers’ satisfaction from the execution degree of more important strategies. Some findings were shown in this article such as obvious gaps between the perceptions as well as the execution of all strategies and no guarantee selling well with low price. |