題 名 | 從(古)文字學觀點論證「說文」上古音研究略例=Selected Examples of Rhyme Categories of the Archaic Chinese Used in "SHO WEN JIE TZ" from the Perspective of Chinese Etymology |
作 者 | 謝美齡; | 書刊名 | 臺中師院學報 |
卷 期 | 15 2001.07[民90.07] |
頁 次 | 頁255-275 |
分類號 | 802.41 |
關鍵詞 | 上古音; 古韻分部; 說文解字; 形聲字; 漢語上古音; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 對於古漢語的研究,學者除依《詩經》韻語歸納韻部之外;清儒再據東漢•許慎《說文解字》之諧聲字勾勒古音胍絡,使非韻語之先秦文字亦得系統收入古韻各部,為漢語古音研究再創高闊視野,立下鮮明里程碑。然各家之研究結果及實際歸部內容往往此出彼入,本文以為其中主要原因,在於各家雖同據《說文》所收文字研究古韻分部,但學者對某些個別文字之形構-尤其是「諧聲字」-認知若異,自有不同之古韻歸部。本文以為《說文》本屬字書,應結合(古)文字學之研究觀點及成果,再輔以先秦韻語資料參同論證,則各家之收字差異差異應可獲得另一扇審視窗口;對於某些各家歸部不一、具爭議性之文字,因著回歸文字學之立場再詳加參覈,亦可得較客觀之處理。 本文持此研究觀點,對於《說文》諧聲字之古韻師部內容擇取若干實例論證及檢視前賢之研究,發現從此異類結合研究視角,可有效調停先進歸部不一情形,故而認為此一結合(古)文字學以研究漢語古音之研究方法,極值得推廣驗證;今日(古)文字學之研究成果碩然可觀,古音研究學者應善加援用參閱。 |
英文摘要 | With the studies on archaic Han languages, besides the rhymed phasing system according to the [Book of Odes], the scholars of the Ching Dynasty further applied the system of pronunciation dictation parts of characters used in the [Shou-Wen] etymological dictionary by Hsu Shen, circa the East-Han Dynasty, in systematically incorporating the non-rhymed text from the Pre-Chin Dynasty period into the archaic rhymes., which had expanded vista in the studies of Han Languages' archaic phonetics, and marked a significant milestone. Although the study results of the various schools and the actual contents often vary, the writer believes that primary reason lies with that despite the various schools are based on the etymological dictionary by Hsu Shen, certain scholars differ in the recognition of the form structures of certain individual characters, particularly with the characters of phonetic dictation. As a consequence, the categorization of archaic pronunciation is also diversified. The writer believes that the etymological dictionary by Hsu Shen was originally a dictionary, and should have incorporated the verification of the studies on archaic linguistics and facilitated with Pre-Chin Dynasty rhymed language materials. This would enable the differences among the various schools' actual character collection contents of archaic rhymed parts as accrued by the intellectual predecessors to be minimized. Moreover, on the issues of the differences amongst the various schools and controversial characters, retrospection from the perspective of linguistics will yield more objective approaches. Founded on such study view-point, this paper cites certain arguments via actual examples and study results from the archaic rhymed part categorization employed in the system of pronunciation dictation parts of characters used in the etymological dictionary by Hsu Shen, which is generally functional in adjusting the various predecessors' archaic rhyme categorizations. Therefore, the writer believes that the study approach and method that incorporated archaic linguistics may open another window to the studies of archaic pronunciations. Moreover, given the considerable the study results on archaic-Chinese linguists by the predecessors and contemporary scholars, researchers of the field should take great advantage of the rich available information. |