題 名 | 漢語形聲字族聲符釋義之研究--與祭祀文字有關的聲符為例=Study on Xingsheng Word-Group |
作 者 | 俞美霞; | 書刊名 | 華語文教學研究 |
卷 期 | 7:3 2010.12[民99.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-29 |
分類號 | 802.23 |
關鍵詞 | 說文解字; 形聲字族; 六書; Shuowen Jiezi; Xingsheng word-group; Liushu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中國文字是表意文字的代表,並由形、音、義三要素結合而成。尤其是形聲字,這是中國文字結構「六書」體例中數量最多,也是中國文字結構原理極爲重要且豐富的一部分,而其組合則是以形符和聲符爲主軸,更重要的是大多數的聲符又兼具意符的內涵與作用,並可顯示先民造字時的社會思想與文化內涵。至於本文則以《說文解字》爲基礎,透過對聲符內涵的理解並予以串聯爲「字族」,可以快速且大量地學習漢字與詞彙,對華語教學裨益極大。 |
英文摘要 | Chinese characters are composed of 'symbols'. Apart from some exceptions most 'symbols' contain their individual "shape", "sound", and "meaning". Especially, Xingsheng [phono-semantic compounds] words make up the largest proportion of Chinese characters, which are composed according to the principle named liushu [Six Writings]. However, in the "Word Group" of Xingsheng these elements are best preserved, all these show that Xingsheng words are significant in Chinese, and this makes Xingsheng words especially important in the learning and teaching of Chinese. |