題 名 | 國民教育階段身心障礙學生補救教育方案之研究=The Study on Compensatory Education for Students with Disabilities |
作 者 | 鈕文英; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 21 2001.07[民90.07] |
頁 次 | 頁53-76 |
分類號 | 529.68 |
關鍵詞 | 身心障礙學生; 補救教育; 特殊教育; Students with disabilities; Compensatory education; Special education; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在檢討國內為身心障礙學生實施之補救教育方案的實施情形與成效,並探究與實施成效有關的因素,進一步提出補救教育方案的芻議。本研究分成兩階段來進行,第一階以840名任教國小之普通班教師為問卷調查對象,之後研究者從中進一步篩選26位願意接受訪談,且回答內容較為豐富者為第二階段訪問的對象,以收集更深入的資料。 結果顯示國內對身心障礙學生所實施的縣市學校層級補救教育措施普遍來說並不多,其中以對學習能力顯著落後同班同學之學生所實施的補救措施較多,但實施最多的補救措施(課後補救教學)也只占了四成多,對於其他學生所實施的補救教育則在三成或三成以下。教師對這些措施效果的評估,認為很有幫助的比例均在六成以下,且變異量也頗大。說對身心障礙綱生所實施的班級補救教育措施,相對比例較高,均在五成以上。在較多老師使用的策略中,一般傾向較易實施,無須做較大變動與調整,或花費大多時間的與精力,以及偏重情意層面為主的策略。教師對班級補救措施效果的評估,認為很有幫助的比例平均皆五成以上,且變異量較低。最後研究者綜合第二階設訪談資料,整理與補救教育方案成效有關的因素,並提出補救教育方案的芻議。 |
英文摘要 | Under the trend of mainstreaming and inclusion, more and more students with disabilities are integrated in regular classrooms where they learn with nondisabled peers. A lot of studies indicated that these students with disabilities integrated in regular classrooms encounter with some learning difficulties and need assistance. This research detected learning needs of students with disabilities, and found out what kind of assistance needed on remedial instruction for them. Then, the researcher evaluated the effects of the current compensatory education programs for meeting needs of students with disabilities. Based on these findings, are researcher made a suggestion of compensatory education programs for students with disabilities. This study was implemented into two stages. Eight hundred and forty teachers working in regular classrooms in elementary and junior high schools were selected as the subjects of the first stage. Questionnaire was used to survey their opinions regarding what kind of assistance needed on compensatory education for students with disabilities, and the effects of the currents compensatory education programs for meeting their needs. During the second stage, the researcher selected 20 subjects from 840 teachers, together with 10 parents, and 5 educational administrators in order to collect the more detailed information about the above research purposes. The study showed that the adjustment problems of students with disabilities included "unable to follow learning pace, having unsuitable life habits, performing behavior problems and so on". In addition, the types and number of compensatory education programs implemented for students with disabilities were restricted on the district or school level. The compensatory education program delivered mostly was after class remedial instruction for students with having significantly low learning ability. The effects of the compensatory education programs were reported to be moderately helpful for students with disabilities. However, the types and number of compensatory education programs implemented for students with disabilities were multiple and effective on the classroom level. Finally, the researcher made suggestions of a comprehensive remedial instruction program for students with disabilities, how to work it out based on these findings. |