題 名 | 從主體、認同看質化的閱聽人研究=The Subjectivity and Identity Issues in Qualitative Audience Studies |
作 者 | 朱全斌; | 書刊名 | 資訊傳播與圖書館學 |
卷 期 | 7:4 2001.06[民90.06] |
頁 次 | 頁69-79 |
分類號 | 541.83 |
關鍵詞 | 主體; 主體性; 認同; 閱聽人; 效果研究; 文化研究; 多頻道; Subject; Subjectivity; Identity; Audience; Effect research; Cultural studies; Multi-channel; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在過去的一年當中,有關綜藝節目對青少年負面影響的問題又引起社會廣泛的討 論。然而,以社會菁英為代表的主流論述卻主要是遵循效果論傳統,以被動、易受操控的觀 點來看待閱聽人。本文試圖平衡這種偏見,就有關閱聽人研究的各種理論作一分析與討論, 並主張質化取向的閱聽人研究,體認閱聽人相對自主以及具備批判及創造的潛力,去除對邊 緣 / 弱勢族群容易被媒介文本擺佈的偏見,一方面回復閱聽人的主體性, 讓他們各自呈現 與文本接觸的經驗,而另一方面也兼顧多頻道環境的接收脈絡,並從多面向的角度來觀察個 人收視行為與外在社會結構間的關係。 |
英文摘要 | In the past year, the negative impact of Taiwan's variety shows on the adolescent audience has aroused tremendous interests and discussions. While the dominant discourse follows the tradition of effect analysis and regards the adolescent audience as passive, manipulative objects, the contrasting persepective of seeing them as active, self-sufficient subjects is often ignored. This paper aims to fill this gap and argues that the subjectivity and the identities of the young viewers also play a part in the popularity of Taiwan's variety shows. Although adolescents are minorities by standards of age and numbers, their views and opinions cannot be excluded in the discussion of the subject. In addition, the multi-channel environment and the discursive form of media reception should also take into account while studying the impact of the variety shows. |