- A Study of the Liberation and Restriction of Consciousness of Jews in Malamud's The Fixer
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題 名 | A Study of the Liberation and Restriction of Consciousness of Jews in Malamud's The Fixer=禁錮與突破:瑪拉莫《修補匠》中猶太人心路歷程之研究 |
作 者 | 陳淑華; | 書刊名 | 美和技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 19 民90.04 |
頁 次 | 頁265-280 |
分類號 | 874.57 |
關鍵詞 | 猶太裔作家; 人道主義; 神話原型; 樂觀主義; 基督教救贖意象; 禁錮的自我意識; 英雄旅程; 異教徒; 猶太意識; 匹夫角色; Myth archtype; Heroic quest; Initiation; Christ image; Spiritual rebirth; Seasonal circle; Schlemiel figure; Jew; Jewishness; Humanism; Restriction of consciousness; Gentile; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨分析美國猶太小說家瑪拉末的《修補匠》書,來闡述他的人道觀點和他對人類存在的信念。在《修補匠》一書中主角亞克夫是名猶太裔俄人,但他厭惡他所秉承之身份、傳統與環境,因此他揚葉一切、隱藏身份,到基輔追尋新生,爾後陷入政治囹圄,無人援救,最後在牢獄中頓悟生命存在的價?與意義,成為國家之新興精神象徵。在此書中主角雖是猶太人,但所面臨的困境與挑戰卻是所有人類,無論那個人種都會面臨的。 瑪拉末深信在現代社會中,渺小個人可以經由超越自己的心障,突破禁錮的自我意識,肯定本身存在意義,為人和社會負擔責任。他不僅沒有一般猶太裔作家的悲觀思想,相反地,他肯定人的價值,尊敬人與人的關係與尊嚴。 筆者從西方神話觀點、基督教救贖意象與四季原型,來分析亞克夫內心成長歷程與意義,以及瑪拉莫在《修補匠》中的寫作技巧。 |
英文摘要 | Through an analysis of the novel The Fixer, this paper seeks to explore Bemard Malamud's humanistic vision and his faith in the possibility of human beings. Malamud is concerned with the living situation and the struggle of ordinary men in the modern world. He describes the meaningful life of ordinary mean with heroic essence in The Fixer. The Fixer demonstrates his belief that the life of human beings can renew itself and turn into meaningfulness. The condition of the Jews in The Fixer become representative of the situation of all human beings. The value system carried within Malamud's The Fixer is broadly humanistic, rather than narrowly religious. Malamud is concerned with ont only the liberation of the individual human spirit, but the general need for respect in human relationships. |