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題 名 | Literature Review on Teaching EFL Reading |
作 者 | 康淑娥; | 書刊名 | 景女學報 |
卷 期 | 1 2001.01[民90.01] |
頁 次 | 頁53-65 |
分類號 | 805.1 |
關鍵詞 | 閱讀能力; 英文教學; Reading; EFL; English as foreign language; L1; First language; L2; Second language; Foreign language; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 閱讀能力的培養是目前高中英文教學中很重要的一環。現代英語教學法 認為閱讀不是被動地接受訊息,而是主動化、個人化、而且複雜化的過程。閱讀 能力強的人,不僅會運用「由下而上」的技巧,去瞭解文章�堛熙璁r和句子,也 善用本身所具備的知識和經驗,「由上而下」地推演、預測、並分析文章。現代 閱讀教學理論強調:閱讀前要建立背景知識,閱讀中要訓練推測、分析等認知技 巧。因此,本文建議:著重整體性的閱讀教學,鼓勵學生主動認識詞彙,讓學生 讀完文章後自定問答題,及審慎挑選閱讀教材。 |
英文摘要 | Reading is the major activity in many senior high Englishclassrooms in Taiwan. Modern research on reading has found thereading process active, individualized and complicated. Efficientand effective readers use both top-down and bottom-up strategiesoperating interactively to aid comprehension. Recent approaches toteaching reading emphasize building background knowledge in thepre-reading phase, teaching metacognitive skills while reading,de-emphasizing oral reading and using doze to teach reading.Therefore, the article recommends holistic reading instruction,reader-generated questions, encouragement of the automaticity ofword recognition and careful selection of reading materials. |