- Intragastrically Administered Chinese Herbal Medicine Cordyceps Alleviates Fasting Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Rats
- 口服冬蟲夏草不影響STZ糖尿病大鼠淋巴細胞的分佈
- 糖尿病之傳統中醫學療法與中草藥
- 中草藥大薊之藥理與治療功能
- 中草藥冬蟲夏草之療效介紹
- 利用基因晶片系統以及體外細胞培養系統來分析中草藥冬蟲夏草對人類樹突狀細胞免疫功能的影響
- 中草藥在動物內分泌學之研究--從中草藥研究模式談起
- 貓的糖尿病
- 利用cDNA微陣列來建構一個分子生物層級的中草藥分析平臺
- 利用基因晶片系統以及體外細胞培養系統來分析中草藥冬蟲夏草對人類樹突狀細胞免疫功能的影響
題 名 | Intragastrically Administered Chinese Herbal Medicine Cordyceps Alleviates Fasting Hyperglycemia in Diabetic Rats=灌餵冬蟲夏草生藥材減緩糖尿病大鼠禁食高血糖現象 |
作 者 | 羅慧珍; 徐泰浩; 蔡馥安; 林素貞; | 書刊名 | 中華民國營養學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 26:1 2001.03[民90.03] |
頁 次 | 頁11-21 |
分類號 | 414.5 |
關鍵詞 | 中草藥; 冬蟲夏草; 糖尿病; 高血糖症; 營養製劑; Chinese herbal medicine; Cordyceps sp.; Diabetes; Hyperglycemia; Nutraceutical; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 許多中草藥常被用來改善慢性醣類代謝失調,最近的研究證實這些物質中的多醣具抗高血糖作用。本實驗的目的在於探討灌餵冬蟲夏草對糖尿病大鼠高血糖之影響。雄性Wistar大鼠分別由靜脈注射每公斤體重50毫克streptozotocin(STZ及CS組)誘發糖尿病,或注射生理食鹽水(CON組)。兩天後,CS組大鼠每天灌餵1克冬蟲夏草,而CON及STZ組大鼠則灌餵去離子水,持續進行兩週。實驗期間,灌餵冬蟲夏草顯著減少STZ增加的攝食量、飲水量及尿液量。STZ及CS組大鼠於餵食第15天,血清中三酸甘油酯、膽固醇及尿素氮濃度顯著較CON組高;而體重改變量、血清白蛋白濃度及胸腺、肺臟和腓腸肌重量顯著較CON組低。此外CS組第15天的血糖顯著高於CON組,而STZ組顯著高於CS組;血清果糖胺濃度以STZ組顯著高於CON組。本實驗結果顯示口服冬蟲夏草具有潛在的降血糖能力,可作為滅緩糖尿病高血糖之保健食品。 |
英文摘要 | Several Chinese herbal medicines have been used to improve the chronic carbohydrate metabolic disorders. Recent studies have demonstrated that polysaccharides extracted from these natural products have antihyperglycemic effects. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of intragastrically administered Cordyceps sp. (CS), a Chinese herbal medicine, for alleviating fasting hyperglycemia in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Male Wistar rats were intravenously administered with 50 mg STZ/kg of body weight (STZ and CS groups) or saline (CON group). Two days later, animals in the CS group were intragastrically administered 1 g/day Cordyceps for 2 weeks. Animals in the STZ and CON groups were intragastrically administered with distilled water. During the experimental period, CS treatment significantly attenuated the STZ-induced increase in food intake, water intake, and urinary excretion. On the 15th day, animal in the STZ and CS groups had significantly increased serum levels of triglyceride, cholesterol and blood urea nitrogen, and significantly decreased body weight, serum albumin levels and the weights of the thymus, lungs and gastrocnemius muscle compared to animals in the CON group. In adition, the blood glucose on day 15 was significantly increased in the CS group compared to the CON group, and further increased in the STZ group compared to the CS group. The fructosamine concentrations were significantly increased in the STZ group compared to the CON group. These results suggest that enterally administered Cordyceps sp. has potential antihyperglycemic ability. These finding reveal that Cordyceps sp. may be used as a nutraceutical to alleviate hyperglycemia in diabetes. |