題 名 | 朱熹「義利之辨」之倫理價值觀探源=Tracing the Ethical Values of Xi Zhu's "Distinction between Righteousness and Profit" |
作 者 | 張永儁; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 28:1=320 2001.01[民90.01] |
頁 次 | 頁1-10+93 |
分類號 | 125.5 |
關鍵詞 | 道統; 王道; 霸道; 義; 利; 王霸之辨; Orthodoxy; The perfect way of the ancient kings; The way of might; Righteousness; Profit; The distinction between righteousness and profit; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文首從古典經籍,如《詩》、《書》、《易》、《禮》、《春秋》、《左傳》、 《公羊傳》二傳,《論語》、《孟子》、《大學》等,揀摘其重要的有關於「義利之 辨」的言論,扼要的加以詮釋;且從字源學如《說文解字》及段玉裁的注,旁證 義利二字的語源。約略加以現代哲學觀念的疏解。次之,後漢儒董仲舒「正誼明 道」之言,與王充《論衡》中「剌孟」之說,略窺「義利之辨」的歷史衍申。再 次之,據朱熹之《四書章句集注》與朱熹與陳亮的「義利王霸之辨」,進窺宋儒 「義利之辨」之勝義——躋於歷史哲學、文化哲學與本體論的理論高度。以終此 文。 |
英文摘要 | We select important passages about the "distinction between righteousness and profit" from classic texts like Shi, Shou, Yi, Li, Chun Qiu, Zuo Zhuan, Gong Yang Zhuan, Lun Yu, Mencius and Da Xue, and then interpret meaning of the distinction succinctly. The etyma of "righteousness" and "profit" are found in etymological texts like Shuo Wen Jie Zi and Yu-cai Duan's Annotations. We also discuss the historical derivation of the "distinction between righteousness and profit" in Zhong-shu Dong's writing about "The Righteousness" and in Chong Wang's writing about "Sarcasm" in his On Balance. Furthermore, We analyze the meaning of the "distinction between rightenousness and profit" according to Xi Zhu's The Annotations of the Four Books as well as the arguments between Xi Zhu and Liang Chen about "the business of being a king or a ruler." With all the discussion mentioned above, we hope to bring this thesis into the field of historical philosophy, cultural philosophy and ontology. |