- H型鋼胚開胚輥軋之三維複合解析模擬
- 冷軋成形中三維複合方法之研究
- Combination of 3D-FEM and Slab Method Applied to the Design and Analysis of Multi-Pass Rolling
- Preliminary Die Design for Extrusion of Compressible Porous Materials
- An Efficient Method of Designing Controlled Strain Rate Dies for Extrusions
- 圓柱形模具之薄板超塑性氣吹成形之力學解析及電腦模擬
- An Analytical Apprroach to Asymmetrical Hot Strip Rolling by the Slab Method
- 市售黃連、黃耆及柴胡藥材之形態組織及化學鑑別
- 加勁邊坡穩定分析:切片法電腦程式之開發與比較
- 冷凍切片法應用簡述