題 名 | 臺東縣長濱鄉及大武鄉國小學童感染性疣之流行病學調查報告=Epidemiology of Wart Infections among Primary School Students in Changbin and Dawu Districts, Taitung County |
作 者 | 謝雅如; 吳育弘; 蘇信義; | 書刊名 | 中華皮膚科醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 18:2 2000.06[民89.06] |
頁 次 | 頁80-87 |
分類號 | 415.723 |
關鍵詞 | 疣; 盛行率; 國小學童; Wart; Prevalence; Primary school children; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由人類乳突狀病毒感染所形成之疣為相當常見的感染性皮膚疾病。在皮膚科門診及本院對偏遠地區的義診中有不少學童有疣的感染。疣雖然是常見之皮膚疾病,但在台灣地區對學童皮膚感染疣的盛行率記錄並不多。我們於1998年三月至五月間針對台東縣長濱及大武鄉全部13所小學共1054學童,由皮膚科專科醫師作皮膚病的篩檢。結果發現疣的總盛行率為8.0%,其中感染尋常疣者有54人(5.1%),扁平疣有15人(1.4%),足底疣有18人(1.7%),而65.5%的感染學童為單發性。男學童與女學童及不同年齡層並無統計上的差異。但原住民學童疣的總盛行率(10.7%)高於非原住民(5.5%) (p < 0.01);而在三種不同種類的疣之中只有尋常疣的盛行率,原住民高於非原住民(p < 0.05)。疣的治療以液態氮冷凍治療為主,但在偏遠地區由於設備不足及交通不便,因此不易處理。在偏遠的離島及山地鄉只能對單一病灶使用電燒治療,對多發性感染使用局部去角質藥物塗抹。教育教師、學童及學童家長了解疣的來源,傳染途徑及治療方法,並提供正確、安全、有效的治療方法是非常重要的,希望在將來能降低疣的盛行率及它對孩童帶來的困擾。 |
英文摘要 | Warts are common skin infections caused by human papilloma virus. Many school children were found to have warts at the out-patient department of dermatology or the charity clinics of our hospital. There are only a few reports about the prevalence of warts among school children in Taiwan. From March through May 1998, a total of 1054 students among 13 primary schools in Changbin and Dawu District, Taitung County were examined by one dermatologist. The overall prevalence of warts was 8.0%, and the prevalence of verruca vulgaris, verruca plana, and verruca plantaris was 5.1%, 1.4%, and 1.7%, respectively. Most students (55/84, 65.5%) had a single lesion. There was no significant differences between boys and girls, and different age groups. The prevalences of all warts and verruca vulgaris were higher in aborigines (p < 0.05). Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy is the most simple, effective method in the treatment of warts, but it is inconvenient in outlying areas. Electrocauterization for single warts and topical keratolytic agents for multiple lesions may be the only way in in offshore islands or remote mountainous areas. Education on the causes, transmission routes, and treatment methods to teachers, students and their families are very important. We hope the prevalence of warts may decrease in the future. |