題 名 | China's Accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO): Recent Developments=中國大陸加入世界貿易組織之新發展 |
作 者 | 李貴英; | 書刊名 | 國際關係學報 |
卷 期 | 15 2000.12[民89.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-31 |
分類號 | 558.5252 |
關鍵詞 | 世界貿易組織; 中美雙邊入會協定; 永久正常貿易關係; 貿易與直接投資問題; 兩岸經貿關係; World Trade Organization; WTO; U.S.-China Bilateral Agreement on China's Accession to the WTO; PNTR; Trade and foreign direct investment issues; Cross-strait economic relations; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 建立世界貿易組織之協定第十二條規範了申請加入世界貿易組織之相關事宜,然而許多具有爭議性之問題往往阻撓入會談判之進程。中國大陸申請加入世界貿物組織即為一例。中國大陸早在1986年即申請加入關稅暨貿易總協定,迄今已歷經長達14年之入會談判而尚未完成程序,惟中國大陸於1999年11月15日與美國簽署入會協定,且於2000年5月19日與歐州聯盟簽署入會協定,使其入會過程展現曙光。 中國大陸與美國所簽署之入會協定訂定中國大陸所為之承諾,主要內容包括了農業、工業、服務業,以及貿易與配銷權等等,促使中國大陸大幅降低關稅、開放市場,同時亦將面臨強大之競爭壓力。美國政府基於法律與政策之考量,希望國會通過給予中國大陸永久貿易正常關係之法案。該項問題引發美國國內激烈之辯論。2000年5月24日,眾議院以237對197之票數通過,美國商業界及農業界表示欣喜,但是勞工、人權、環保等團體則紛紛表示不滿。嗣後該項法案移送參議院審議,參議院於2000年9月19日以83對15之票數通過。此一法案俟美國總統簽署後將於中國大陸加入世界貿易組織後生效。 中國大陸加入世界貿易組織後對於其經濟有極大之影響。在正面影響方面,中國大陸將進行貿易與投資之自由化、加速經濟改革,以及促使其遵守世界貿易組織之相關規範。不過中國大陸加入世界貿易組織後,在短期內仍需調整其產業結構,以及進行其中央及地方政府之改造以因應衝擊。 一旦中國大陸與我國均加入世界貿易組織後,對於兩岸關係將造成重大轉變。中國大陸與我國均須放棄貿易障礙,形成較多之互動。在投資政策方面,中國大陸在政策執行面上頗多不穩定與不一致之處,諸如在金融措施、加值稅之課徵,與外匯管制等方面。由於世界貿易組織提倡最惠國待遇與廢除貿易障礙,因此勢必影響我國對中國大陸出口貿易與投資之管制措施,我國必須妥為因應。 |
英文摘要 | Pursuant to the WTO Agreement, countries may join the WTO by accession. However, many applicant countries have been, or remain to be, frustrated by the slow pace of accession negotiations. Some controversial issues may slow down progress in accession negotiations, if not for economic reasons then certainly for political ones. The experience of China shows that the road to WTO accession can be a thorny one. China applied to join GATT in 1986. On November 15, 1999, United States and China announced the U.S.-China Bilateral Agreement on China's Accession to the WTO. Given the success of EU and Chinese negotiators to bring China into the global trading system and the passage of Permanent Normal Trade Relations by the U.S. House of Representatives on May 24, 2000 and by the Senate on September 19, 2000, the ultimate date of China's accession is to be expected. The U.S.-China agreement on China's accession to the WTO lays out a substantial set of commitments that China will have to meet as a WTO member. The commitments in this bilateral agreement will appear in China's final Protocol of Accession. The Agreement would eliminate barriers and increase access for U.S. exports across a broad range of commodities. China has agreed to cut tariffs and eliminate broad systemic barriers to U.S. industrial goods, such as limits on import and distribution, as well as quotas and licenses on U.S. products. China has made commitments to phase out most restrictions in a broad range of services sectors. China generally prohibits foreign firms from distributing products other than those they make in China, or from controlling their own distribution networks. In face, the U.S.-China Agreement has provoked much opposition in the U.S. among progressives from labor, human rights, and environmental organizations. In general, China's accession to the WTO would affect the fundamental economic interests of both existing members of the WTO and China. China will enhance its economy efficiency after joining the WTO. China's accession to the WTO represents the beginning of further liberalization of international trade and investment. China's accession to the WTO also provides an important impetus to improve access to some of the key sectors for both foreign investors and domestic firms. WTO accession, with its further liberalization of China's economy, should start the countdown to ending China's designation as a non-market economy. However, China's entry into the WTO will lead to the systemic reform and restructure the China's economy, including the reform of the China's state-owned enterprises. In addition, China's entry into the WTO will jump-start the reform of China's financial sector, labor market reform, and agricultural reform. China's WTO membership will impose a time-table within which it must deal with its underlying economic problems. If both China and Taiwan are able to join the WTO, there will inevitably be significant changes in the relationship between both sides. China and Taiwan would be compelled to drop trade barriers and open themselves to greater interaction. Working together under the auspices of the WTO could enhance mutual understanding. |