- 歐盟與美國之農業貿易紛爭
- WTO下之選擇性防衛條款與防衛協定
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- 從GATT規範暨實務論美國培利修正案
- 歐體反規避條款的發展
題 名 | 歐盟與美國之農業貿易紛爭=Agricultural Trade Conflict between the European Union and the United States |
作 者 | 蘇芳誼; | 書刊名 | 問題與研究 |
卷 期 | 37:7 1998.07[民87.07] |
頁 次 | 頁15-30+83 |
分類號 | 431.96 |
關鍵詞 | 邊際報酬遞減法則; 霸權穩定理論; 公共財; 囚徒困境; 關稅暨貿易總協定; 世界貿易組織; Law of diminishing marginal returns; Hegemonic stability theory; Public goods; Prisoners' dilemma; GATT; WTO; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 冷戰結束之後,低政治(Low Politics)發展的潮流,彰顯出歐美雙方經貿關係 互動的重要性,特別是面對農業貿易問題,各國往往有其不同的需求與利益。換言之,如何 獲取一個雙贏、互惠的平衡點,則是當前歐美關係發展的重要課題;因此本文乃透過對歐盟 農業政策的檢視,分析歐美之間農業貿易紛爭之源起,探討存在於雙方之間既合作又競爭的 貿易互動關係,以及在世界貿易組織之下未來國際經貿發展的走向。 |
英文摘要 | After the Cold War, the trend towards "Low Politics" has brought to light the importance of the trade relationship between the European Union and the United States, especially in the realm of agriculture. Recent events have highlighted the need for both the European Union and the United States to build a balanced and mutually beneficial trade relationship. The aim of this article is to analyze the source of the agricultural trade conflict between the European Union and the United States, and to understand developing trends in international trade under the world trade organization. |